- 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs in the list. Which sentence is a prediction? is an on-the-spot decision? gives information about the future? • come • not miss • enjoy • have • fly • buy 1 We into Lima when we visit Peru. 2 I'm sure you the time of your life on this trip. 3 These souvenirs are great. I some for my friends back home. 4 Why don't you go on an activity holiday? | think you it. 5 Don't worry, it's only 5 o'clock. He his plane! 6 Are you going on a tour of the city today? | ... with you.
2.we had to read and to translate a new text to give some examples for a certain grammar rule and to answer several questions in English.
3. I liked to study English very much, so it was pleasant for me to answer all teacher's questions
4. I am fond of all Dickens' books. He describes the childhood of his characters very well
5.We had to explain the formation of all the tenses in the passive voice
6. I had to translate a passage from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain
7. Our institute choir sang several English songs
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