Дружина для перенесення є конкурс, в якому чоловіки конкуренти гонки в той час як кожен з яких несе жіночу товариша по команді. Мета полягає в тому для чоловіка, щоб нести жінку через спеціальну смугу перешкод доріжки в найкоротші терміни. Цей вид спорту вперше був введений в Sonkajärvi, Фінляндія.Існує кілька типів перенесення може бути реалізовано на практиці: контрейлерних, перенесення пожежного (через плече), або естонському стилі (дружина висить догори-вниз з її ноги навколо плечей чоловіка, тримаючись за талію).
hello, my dear amelia. you know, last weekend my mother and i visited the eurasia shopping center, it was so great! we went shopping all day, bought a bunch of things, even a new amber necklace for mom. she told me about how amber is mined in kaliningrad, when we chose her jewelry. it was so interesting! did you know that we even have a homlins workshop in the city, a workshop where people are always waiting for hot tea, sweets and a friendly atmosphere. there you can find unusual jewelry made of amber, wood and silver, author's souvenirs made of local materials and of course learn about homlins. you and i must visit this place when you come to my city.
hello, my dear amelia. you know, last weekend my mother and i visited the eurasia shopping center, it was so great! we went shopping all day, bought a bunch of things, even a new amber necklace for mom. she told me about how amber is mined in kaliningrad, when we chose her jewelry. it was so interesting! did you know that we even have a homlins workshop in the city, a workshop where people are always waiting for hot tea, sweets and a friendly atmosphere. there you can find unusual jewelry made of amber, wood and silver, author's souvenirs made of local materials and of course learn about homlins. you and i must visit this place when you come to my city.
i miss you, amelia, come quickly!
with love yours *твое имя*