4. Посмотри на рисунки и скажи, что эти люди могут, а чего не могут делать. Проверь себя, а (12). Образец: Mr White can cook, but he can't fly a рlаnе. Mr White
Поснідавши, гнат узяв сокиру і подався на двір. займався пишний січневий ранок. золотий промінь сонця перелинув зі сходу на захід, і вершечки синіх хмар зайнялись червоним полум’ям. сонце, мов здорова червона діжа, випливало з-за краю землі та обгорталось блискучими хмарками, що спалахнули від сонячного проміння, мов солома від вогню. гнат оглянув хуру дров, що привіз учора з лісу, і заходився рубати їх. стук сокири по сухому дереву далеко котився в рожевому морозному повітрі… помивши посуду після обіду та поприбиравши в хаті, настя сіла на лаві під вікном вишивати сорочку й закинула на шию червону та чорну заполоч. біле шитво вкрило її коліна. настя взялась до роботи та ще раз глянула на хату. в хаті було чисто та гарно, як у квітничку. з білих стін дивились гарні боги, заквітчані сухим зіллям, обвішані рушниками. чепурний комин білів, аж сяяв. долівка була гладенька та жовта, як віск. веселий ранішній промінь грав на полив’яних мисках, що стояли в миснику, ушиковані, як військо. настя любила свою веселу, теплу хату. в сій маленькій хатині зазнала вона щастя
Criminal procedure, also called the criminal process or the criminal justice system, is the mechanism thought which crimes are investigated, the guilt of criminals adjudicated, and punishment imposed. It includes the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and courts, the practices and procedures observed by them, and legal rules that govern them. In the criminal process an individual is pitted against the government, with all of its resources and authority, and only through the criminal process can the state’s most serious sanctions – imprisonment or even death – be applied.
Criminal law defines what conduct is criminal and prescribes the punishment for criminal conduct. Criminal procedure makes the criminal law work; the sanctions defined by criminal law are only effective because the criminal process can bring the sanctions to bear on individuals who violate the law. At the same time, criminal procedure aims to make sure that criminal sanctions are applied only to those who are guilty, and only through procedures that are recognized as fair. One goal of the criminal process is to punish the guilty, but other goals are to protect the innocent and to ensure that even the guilty are protected from abuse by the government.
Although we talk about “the” criminal process, different systems are in place in each state and in the federal courts.
Criminal procedure, also called the criminal process or the criminal justice system, is the mechanism thought which crimes are investigated, the guilt of criminals adjudicated, and punishment imposed. It includes the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and courts, the practices and procedures observed by them, and legal rules that govern them. In the criminal process an individual is pitted against the government, with all of its resources and authority, and only through the criminal process can the state’s most serious sanctions – imprisonment or even death – be applied.
Criminal law defines what conduct is criminal and prescribes the punishment for criminal conduct. Criminal procedure makes the criminal law work; the sanctions defined by criminal law are only effective because the criminal process can bring the sanctions to bear on individuals who violate the law. At the same time, criminal procedure aims to make sure that criminal sanctions are applied only to those who are guilty, and only through procedures that are recognized as fair. One goal of the criminal process is to punish the guilty, but other goals are to protect the innocent and to ensure that even the guilty are protected from abuse by the government.
Although we talk about “the” criminal process, different systems are in place in each state and in the federal courts.