4 Read the rule and the examples. Then find three more examples in the dialogue. O RULES We use can, could and may to ask permission or make a request. We use can and may, but not could, to give permission. 'Can I buy a new phone, Dad?' 'No, you can't.' 'Could I try this dress on?' 'Of course you can.' May I pay by credit card?' 'Yes, you may
Используются обычно 3 артикля "an", "a" и "the".
Артикль "the" используется когда мы слышим про предмет впервые, или во множественном числе, артикль "а" или "an" когда в единичном, между артиклями "а" или "an" нужно выбирать, выбор зависит от того с какой буквы начинается слово. Я думаю что про поезд говорится впервые по этому нужно ставить неопределённый артикль "the", тем более так правильнее, по скольку "а" нужно было бы ставить если бы мы знали больше информации например: До Манчестера едет зелёный поезд. Я считаю что ты прав(а)
1.In my first job, I was responsible for marketing,
- Past Simple Active
2.I’ve been have applied for several posts this year but I have not managed to find what I’m looking for.
- Present Perfect Passive, Present Perfect Active, Present Progressive Active
3.The last job I applied for required applicants to speak some Japanese,
- Past Simple Active
4.I started learning Spanish a few months ago I have not obtained a qualification in it yet.
- Past Simple Active, Present Perfect Active
5.I have not applied for a job with your company before.
- Present Perfect Active
6.I have hoped that you would consider my application favourably.
- Present Perfect Active, Future in the Past
7.However, I have been waiting for a reply for weeks and I still have not received any answer.
- Present Perfect Progressive Active, Present Perfect Active
1. I AM going to call Kate after lunch.
2. She has already WRITTEN 40 books.
3. Mother will bathe the baby in a small tub.
4. I drive home from work every day.
5. What did you eat for dinner?
6. I am driving from work every day.
7. My brother lived in Chicago last year.