4. What is first aid in the situations mentioned in the Exercise 2b? Do the quiz in pairs. Which answers do you think are correct? (More than
1. If you cut yourself with a knife:
b) you should wash the cut with soap and water and put a plaster
a) you should go to bed and rest until bleeding stops.
c) you shouldn't lift anything heavy.
2. If you twist an ankle:
a) you shouldn't walk on it.
b) you should put some ice on it.
c) you should raise the ankle above the heart level.
3. If you burn your hand on a hot pan:
a) you should put some oil on the burnt.
b) you should put a plaster on it.
c) you should put a lot of cold water on it.
4. If you get a bruise:
a) you should put some ice in a bruised area.
b) you should rest and keep cool.
c) you should use a warm compress on a bruised area immediately
Анатолій Криволап вважається найуспішнішим сучасним художником України. Про нього сьогодні говорять чи не найбільше. Він — найдорожчий серед представників сучасного українського мистецтва на міжнародному арт-ринку. У жовтні 2013 року на торгах аукціону “Phillips de Pury & Со” в Лондоні роботу “Кінь. Вечір” було продано за $186 тис. Рекордну суму ще ніхто з інших митців не зміг перевершити. Вартість його картин б’є національні рекорди: у середньому полотна продаються по $70 тис. В основному художник малює пейзажі та експериментує з кольором. Статус “найдорожчого” перетворив роботи Криволапа на обов’язковий предмет декору приймалень, кабінетів і віталень багатьох успішних співвітчизників, а його ім’я — бренд.
Put the proper words into sentences:
analytical, digital, unreliable, sophisticated, solve, core, processor, computations, an integral circuit.
1)The Difference Engine could ... equations and led to another calculating machine, the ... Engine, which embodied the key parts of a computer system: an input device, a ..., a control unit, a storage place, and an output device.
2)Ada Lovelace helped to develop instructions for carrying out ... on Babbage machine.
3)J. Atanasoff devised the first... computer to work by electronic means.
4)First-generation computers were ..., the main form of memory being magnetic...
5)In the third generation software became more...
6)What was the name of the first ... computer to work electronically?
7)When electricity passed through the ..., it could be magnetized as either “ofF’ or “on”.
8)A ...is acomplete electronic circuit on asmall chip of silicon.