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40 задать 10 вопросов на языке к тексту the woman crossed the crowded room, caught hold of her host’s arm and took him along with her.“now i’ve got you! ” she said. “now you can’t get awayl”“why, hello,” said her host. “well. how are you? ”“oh, i’m fine,” she said. “simply fine. listen, 1 want to meet walter williams. honestly, i just can’t be indifferent to that man. oh, when he sings! well, i said to my husband, “it’s a good thing for you walter williams is colored, said, “or you’d have good reason to be jealous.” i’d really love to meet him. i’d like to tell him i’ve heard him sing. will you be an angel i’eindjsll and introduce me to him? ” “why, certainly,” said her host. “1 thought you’d met him already. the party’s for him as a matter of fact. but where is he? ” “he’s over there by the bookcase,” she said. “let’s wait till those people finish talking to him. well, i think you’re simply wonderful, having him meet all these white people, and all. does he appreciate your kindness? ”“why should he? ” said her host. “i think it’s really awfully nice of you,” she said. “i do. 1 don’t see why it isn’t perfectly all right to meet colored people. i haven’t any feeling at all about it. my husband — oh, he’s just the other way. well, you know he comes from virginia iva’cj^inja] and you know how they are there.”“did he come tonight? ” said her host. “no, he couldn’t,” she said. “i’m a regular grass widow tonight. he was so tired out, he couldn’t move. isn’t it a shame? ”“ah,” said her host. “wait till i tell him i met walter williams,” she said. “he’ll just about die. oh, we have a lot of arguments about colored people. i often get angry talking to him. but i must admit burton is much broader-minded than lots of these southerners i’safenal. he’s really awfully fond of colored people. well, he says himself, he wouldn’t have white servants. he says he hasn’t got a word to say against colored people as long as they keep their place. he’s always doing things for them —giving them clothes and i don’t know what. the only thing he says is, he wouldn’t sit down to table with one for a million dollars. oh,’ i say to him, ‘you make me sick, talking like that. i’m just terrible to him. aren’t i terrible? ”“oh, no, no, no,” said her host. “no, no.” “now this walter williams,” she said. “i think a man like thafs a real artist, i do, and i don’t mind his color. i honestly think if a person’s an artist, nobody should try to avoid meeting him. we should value such people. that’s just what i say to burton. don’t you think i’m right? ”“yes,” said her host. “oh, yes.” “why, i’d really be glad to have a man like walter williams come to my house and sing for us, some time,” she said. “of course, i couldn’t risk it because of burton. but i wouldn’t have any feeling about it at all. oh, can’t he sing! come on, let’s go over and talk to him. listen, what shall i do when i’m introduced? shall i shake hands? or what? ”“why, do whatever you want to,” said her host.“i guess maybe i’d better,” she said. “i wouldn’t for the world have him think i had any feeling. i think i’d better shake hands, just the way i would with anybody else.”they reached the tall young negro, standing by the bookcase. the host performed introductions; the negro bowed.“how do you do? ” he said.the woman held out her hand at arm’s length and held it so for all the world to see, until the negro took it, shook it, and gave it back to her.“oh, how do you do, mr williams,” she said, “i’ve just been saying i’ve enjoyed your singing so much, i’ve been to your concerts. oh, i do enjoy it! ”she spoke very loudly and clearly, like one speaking to a deaf man. “i’m so glad,” he said.“well, what are you doing now? ” she said. “are you still keeping up your singing? why don’t you have another concert, some time? ”"i’m having one the sixteenth of this month, it’s ‘been announced,” he said. “well, i’ll be there,” she said. “i’ll be there, if i possibly can. oh, who’s.that girl in white? i’ve seen her somewhere.”“that’s katharine burke ” said her host. “good heavens,” she said, “is that katherine burke? why, she looks quite different off the stage. i thought she was much better-looking. i had no idea she was so dark. why, she looks almost like — oh, i think she’s a wonderful actress, don’t you, mr williams? ”“yes, i do,” he said.“oh, i do, too,” she said. “just wonderful. well, we must give someone else a chance to talk to you. now, don’t forget. mr williams, i’m going to be at that concert if i possibly can. don’t you forget.” “i don’t,” he said. “thank you so much.”the host took her arm and piloted her into the next room.“oh, my dear,” she said. “1 nearly diedl honestly, i give you my word. did you hear that terrible break i made? i was just going to say katherine burke looked almost like a nigger. i just caught myself in time. oh, do you think he noticed? ”

Показать ответ
24.07.2020 08:16
1) Who wants to meet that woman?
2) Who is Mr. Walter Williams?
3) What does Mr. Walter Williams?
4) Where do events take place?
5) Who is Katherine Burke?
6) Who is the woman to the colored people?
7) Which character has the job of an actor?
8) Has Katherine Burke a white or black skin color?
9) One of the guests can sing?
10) Who wants to meet with Mr. Walter Williams?
Примерно так. 
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