5 ACTIVATE Write true and false sentences about yourself. Use affirmative and negative forms of the verbs. Then listen to your partner's sentences. Say if they are true or false. I read English comics. My parents don't eat Korean food. like Italian cars watch Kazakh food read Korean go to books / comics films / TV programmes music classes Spanish English Russian eat I read English comics. I think that's false. I'm sure you don't read English comics. Finished? Write five true sentences about your partner. He likes French films. He doesn't read English comics.
Hi all, my name is (ваше имя) and I'm a student from Russia. I really enjoy cycling, especially off-road. I like the blowing wind that hits my face when I ride downhill and the feeling of satisfaction when I climb a steep mountain on a bicycle. However, I would also be delighted to travel around the city using my bike, but unfortunately the infrastructure is too poor to meet my needs. I wish cycling was more popular here in Russia. Now it's not safe enough to cycle through the city, at least yet.
Дружина для перенесення є конкурс, в якому чоловіки конкуренти гонки в той час як кожен з яких несе жіночу товариша по команді. Мета полягає в тому для чоловіка, щоб нести жінку через спеціальну смугу перешкод доріжки в найкоротші терміни. Цей вид спорту вперше був введений в Sonkajärvi, Фінляндія.Існує кілька типів перенесення може бути реалізовано на практиці: контрейлерних, перенесення пожежного (через плече), або естонському стилі (дружина висить догори-вниз з її ноги навколо плечей чоловіка, тримаючись за талію).
Greetings, readers of RAP.
Hi all, my name is (ваше имя) and I'm a student from Russia. I really enjoy cycling, especially off-road. I like the blowing wind that hits my face when I ride downhill and the feeling of satisfaction when I climb a steep mountain on a bicycle. However, I would also be delighted to travel around the city using my bike, but unfortunately the infrastructure is too poor to meet my needs. I wish cycling was more popular here in Russia. Now it's not safe enough to cycle through the city, at least yet.
Have a good one, (ваше имя)