5 Complete the mini-dialogues with have, has,
haven't, hasn't or got.
John Have
you got a favourite animal?
Lucy Yes, we have. It's a cat.
1 Dora
your brother
favourite tennis player?
Tim Yes, he
. It's Roger Federer.
2 Tom
a favourite
TV programme?
Eva No, 1
I think TV is boring!
3 Julia
your sister
favourite football team?
Sam No, she
. She isn't interested
in football.
4 Evan
a favourite
Ava Yes, 1
It's Antonio Banderas.
He's the cat in Shrek.
5 Suzy
your parents
favourite singer?
Rox No they
They aren't
Interested in music
6 Tony
your dog
favourite toy?
Val Yes, it
It's a toy car!
20 болав
Около половины территории страны занимают пустыни и полупустыни. Но вдоль северо-восточного побережья, где чаще идут дожди, растут влажные тропические леса. По мере продвижения в глубь материка их сменяют светлые эвкалиптовые леса. Здесь растет несколько видов эвкалиптов. Листья и кора этих деревьев богаты эфирными маслами, которые широко применяются в медицине и технике.
He graduated from the parish school, technical school in Cherepovets. He worked as a hammerer, a fireman in the Volga shipping company. At this time there was acquaintance with the Chkalov aircraft that he was "sick" for life.
Chkalov joined the Red army and began work as a mechanic on repair of the aircraft.He qualified as a fighter pilot and was sent to Leningrad.
After a brilliant performance at the Central airfield in Moscow was transferred to Briansk flight commander.
Adopted a test pilot in Moscow organized in flight test Institute.
Experienced fighter and IS 16KB. On this plane in the summer of 1936 he made the long flight from Moscow to Kamchatka. And in June of the following year hosted a non-stop flight across the North pole to the USA, which surprised the whole world. The crew consisting of pilots Chkalov, G. Baidukov and Navigator A. Belyakov on the ANT-25 flew out from Moscow and landed in Vancouver.
The flight took 63 hours and 16 minutes. Each participant of the flights was awarded the title of Hero
Of The Soviet Union.
Chkalov died on 5 December 1938 near Moscow during a test of a fighter And-180. He was buried on red square in Moscow
( перевести его имя затрудняюсь )