5. определите место главного предложения и придаточного дополнительного в следующих сложноподчинённых предложениях. укажите связи между главным и придаточным предложениями. 1. he told us he was ill. 2. i’ll ask him to find out where they live. 3. they laughed at what anne said. 4. i’m surprised by what you have told me. 5. marie curie showed that a woman can be as good as a scientist as a man can be. 6. the coaches taught the contestants how they should walk, sit and even apply make-up. 7. the secretary identified which reports treated new issues as well as old ones. 8. i saw he was displeased. 9. i didn’t know that he was writing a novel. 10. the newspapers say that his company is in trouble. 11. i don’t know who your tutor is. 12. he told me how he had done it.
Сейчас на кону жизни всего семейства.
This time, the lives of her entire family are at stake.
Вы выступаете против компаний, на кону сотни миллионов долларов.
Because you're up against companies that have hundreds of millions of dollars at stake, essentially.
Но на кону моя честь, я должен выиграть.
But my pride is on the line, so I have to win.
Я думаю, здесь на кону ваша репутация.
I think it's your reputation that's on the line here.
Хороший юрист забывает об эмоциях, когда на кону деньги.
And a good lawyer puts aside their feelings when there's money on the table.
ночью я гуляла на улице, на улице не было холодно(перевод)
2)sorry i didn't have time to do my homework and i didn't understand it - извините я не успел сделать домашнее задание, и я его не понял (перевод)
3) winter came, yesterday it was snowing, everything is beautiful outside - наступила зима, вчера шёл снег , на улице всё красиво(перевод)
4)I got five yesterday for solving a problem at the blackboard - Я вчера получил пять за то, что решил задачу у доски( перевод)
5) I wrote a big summary, now I'm going to rest - Я написала большой конспект , теперь пойду отдыхать( перевод)
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