There are over two thousand animal spices in the world, but only two or three dozens of them are domesticated. All the rest live in the wild nature, and are not domesticable. They are usually referred to wild animals. Wild animals are distinguished from the domestic ones by external appearance, behavior and feeding habits. But the key difference between them is their attitude to humans. Wild animals always see people as enemies rather than friends. Their fear for humans is genetic, and even if you manage to tame one of them, its joeys will not be born tamed.
Моя подруга работает переводчиком, она переводит тексты. - My friend works as a translator, she translates texts. (Present Simple)
Она переводит этот текст уже давно, он очень сложен. - She has been translating this text for a long time, it is very difficult. (Present Perfect Continuous)
Мне придется перезвонить позже, она переводит текст. - I'll have to call back later, she is translating a text. (Present Continuous)
Она перевела этот текст, но ей надо подготовить еще один. - She has translated this text, but she needs to translate one more text. (Present Perfect)
Моя подруга работает переводчиком, она переводит тексты. - My friend works as a translator, she translates texts. (Present Simple)
Она переводит этот текст уже давно, он очень сложен. - She has been translating this text for a long time, it is very difficult. (Present Perfect Continuous)
Мне придется перезвонить позже, она переводит текст. - I'll have to call back later, she is translating a text. (Present Continuous)
Она перевела этот текст, но ей надо подготовить еще один. - She has translated this text, but she needs to translate one more text. (Present Perfect)