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27.09.2020 04:02 •  Английский язык

50 ! !
, !

1. the numbers of damaging wildfowl is the first essential task
a) reusing​​c) recycling
b) reducing​​d) repairing
2. juliet __ an astonishing idea on how to solve their problem
a) arrived down with​​b) realized up upon
c) came up with​​​d) found out with
3. gerald definitely cut down on drinking. it’s not even about health – it’s family
a) can​​c) must
b) should​​d) has to
4. you are __ __ time! please hurry up while it’s still not too late!
a) running away from​​b) running out of
c) running out off​​d) running out from
5. i’ve finally got a decent job, found time for daily sports routine and broke up with my abusive boyfriend.
a) nuff saidb) a dime a dozen
c) everything’s coming up roses​d) it’s all greek to me
6. answer the questions:
faroe islanders’ ritual slaughter of pilot whales turns sea blood red
the independent

as many as 1,000 whales are killed over the summer months every year. hunt known as grindadrap is a centuries-old tradition which has been criticized by animal rights campaigners, who say the ritual is and unnecessary.
as long-finned and short-finned pilot whales swim close to the shore during migration, fishermen surround the mammals in boats and dinghies, herding them towards the beach. the entire pods of whales become stranded, are dragged up the beach and slaughtered on the sand or in the shallow water. many people enter the water to help bring the whales to the sand.
faroe islanders are allowed to carry out the annual slaughter by law, which is partially devolved from denmark’s government, although the legality of the practice has been questioned by activists.
“metal hooks are driven into the stranded mammals' blowholes before their spines are cut. whole families are slaughtered, and some whales swim around in their family members' blood for hours. whales and dolphins are highly creatures and feel pain and fear every bit as much as we do," as claimed by the peta campaign.
an anti-hunting campaign called sea shepherd claims that up to 1,000 pilot whales are killed every year in the summer months and although whale meat is eaten by the local people, some of the meat is left to rot. the conservation society sends a couple of boats to the islands every summer to try and prevent locals from herding whales to the shoreline, but last year five crew members were arrested and their boats confiscated.
1) what adjective would you use to fill in the gap in the fourth paragraph?

2) use 2-3 sentences to summarize the text in your own words:

3) write an essay for this passage (use the another side of the paper):
the sea shepherd is widely known for their campaigns against commercial fishing and ocean pollution. they are mostly tough guys and girls who are not afraid to take direct action in order to prevent animal hunting - they sabotage, ram (идут на таран) and capture commercial fishing vessels, for example. some people are afraid of losing their profit because of them think their methods are too radical and they must be put in jail. so, if we want to save our environment (and wildlife in particular), what type of action should we take in your opinion: slow, gradual and reformist or direct and radical?

Показать ответ
25.06.2021 22:43

1. My sister gets up at 8 o’clock.

My sister doesn't get up at 8 o’clock.

Does my sister get up at 8 o’clock?

2. I sometimes go out with my friends on Saturday evenings.

I sometimes don't go out with my friends on Saturday evenings.

Do I sometimes go out with my friends on Saturday evenings?

3. The plane to New York takes off at 7 pm.

The plane to New York doesn't take off at 7 pm.

Does the plane to New York take off at 7 pm?

4. They speak English very well.

They don't speak English very well.

Do they speak English very well?

5. He drives a bus.

He doesn't drive a bus.

Does he drive a bus?

6. His company sells computer games.

His company doesn't sell computer games.

Does his company sell computer games?

7. Michael cycles to work in the morning.

Michael doesn't cycle to work in the morning.

Does Michael cycle to work in the morning?

8. The computer shop opens at 10 a.m.

The computer shop doesn't open at 10 a.m.

Does the computer shop open at 10 a.m.?

9. She usually watches the news on TV in the morning.

She usually doesn't watch the news on TV in the morning.

Does she usually watch the news on TV in the morning?

10. I pay all my credit card bills once a month.

I don't pay all my credit card bills once a month.

Do I pay all my credit card bills once a month?

11. The sun rises in the east.

The sun doesn't rise in the east.

Does the sun rise in the east?

12. Tom cleans his car every weekend.

Tom doesn't clean his car every weekend.

Does Tom clean his car every weekend?

13. Our ship leaves the port in 30 minutes.

Our ship doesn't leave the port in 30 minutes.

Does our ship leave the port in 30 minutes?

14. I like this band a lot.

I don't like this band a lot.

Do I like this band a lot?

15. The bus arrives at 7 am.

The bus doesn't arrive at 7 am.

Does the bus arrive at 7 am. ?

16. The train leaves at 6.30 in the evening.

The train doesn't leave at 6.30 in the evening.

Does the train leave at 6.30 in the evening?

17. Paul likes Chinese food.

Paul doesn't like Chinese food.

Does Paul like Chinese food?

18. The meeting starts at 2.30.

The meeting doesn't start at 2.30.

Does the meeting start at 2.30?

19. The show finishes at 9 o’clock.

The show doesn't finish at 9 o’clock.

Does the show finish at 9 o’clock?

20. The Amazon River flows into the Pacific Ocean.

The Amazon River doesn't flow into the Pacific Ocean.

Does the Amazon River flow into the Pacific Ocean?

0,0(0 оценок)
13.09.2021 14:35

Water is a physical need of the human body. We can live without food up to 30-40 days, but without clean drinking water we won’t survive even 3-4 days. This should come as no surprise: the body of an adult consists of around 60-70 percent of water. It is contained in all tissues, and it is essential for metabolic processes, temperature regulation, nutrients transportation via the circulatory system and waste removal. It participates in almost all physiological processes. Lack of water can cause various diseases – from headache to muscle spasms and cramps.An average daily water intake for an adult person is about 2.5 liters including the water containing in food and drinks. Of course, some liquid is contained in all kinds of food: fruit, vegetables, milk, meat and even bread. However, try to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure drinking water apart from your meals. Some people need even more water. They are pregnant women, people leading an active lifestyle, and those who eat a lot of high protein and high-fiber food. On the contrary, people leading sedentary lifestyle and eating a lot of fruit and vegetables can reduce water intake.There are some rules of water drinking. First and foremost, it’s not recommended to wash food down with any drinks. Water dissolves gastric juice which causes problems with digestion. Also, you should not drink right after a meal, because it can lead to digestive disorder as well. Usually doctors recommend drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals. It’s good for digestion, and helps to lose weight, because after a glass of water you will eat less. Also, drink some cool water in the morning, on an empty stomach – it will help you to wake up.Of course, the quality of drinking water is extremely important. Unfortunately, tap water nowadays is impotable in most cases, because it’s very dirty. Filtered water is cleaner, but it is “dead”. It is not dangerous to health, but also not healthful. The best choice is deep-well artesian water, but it’s not always available. The most popular and appropriate variants for many people today are bottled drinking water or table mineral water.


Извини , нет времени посчитать слова , но вот перевод если нужно:

Вода – естественная потребность человеческого организма. Мы можем прожить без пищи до 30-40 дней, но без воды мы не выживем даже 3-4 дня. И это неудивительно: организм взрослого человека на 60-70 процентов состоит из воды. Она содержится во всех тканях и является необходимой для обменных процессов, терморегуляции, транспортировки питательных веществ по кровеносной системе и выведения шлаков. Она участвует практически во всех физиологических процессах. Недостаток воды может стать причиной различных болезней – от головной боли до мышечных спазмов и судорог.Среднесуточная норма потребления воды для взрослого человека составляет около 2.5 литров, включая воду, содержащуюся в еде и напитках. Конечно, некоторое количество жидкости содержится во всех продуктах: фруктах, овощах, молоке, мясе и даже хлебе. Тем не менее, старайтесь выпивать как минимум 1.5 литра чистой питьевой воды отдельно от приема пищи. Некоторым людям нужно даже больше воды. Это беременные женщины, люди, ведущие активный образ жизни и те, кто употребляет большое количество пищи с высоким содержанием белка и клетчатки. И напротив, люди, ведущие сидячий образ жизни и употребляющие много фруктов и овощей могут снизить потребление воды.Существуют определенные правила по употреблению воды. Прежде всего, не рекомендуется запивать пищу какими-либо напитками. Вода разжижает желудочный сок, что вызывает проблемы с пищеварением. Также не стоит пить сразу после еды, так как это тоже приводит к нарушениям пищеварения. Обычно врачи рекомендуют выпивать стакан воды за полчаса до приема пищи. Это полезно для пищеварения и сбросить вес, так как после стакана воды вы съедите меньше. Также выпивайте немного прохладной воды утром на голодный желудок – это проснуться. Конечно, качество питьевой воды чрезвычайно важно. К сожалению, вода из-под крана в наши дни непригодна для употребления в большинстве случаев, так как она сильно загрязнена. Фильтрованная вода чище, но она «мертвая». Она неопасна для здоровья, но и не полезна. Наилучший выбор – это подземная артезианская вода, но она не всегда доступна. Самые распространенные и подходящие варианты для многих людей сегодня – это бутилированная питьевая вода и столовая минеральная вода.

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