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17.01.2021 14:26 •  Английский язык

6. 7.UE5 7.56
Use the phrases
to recommend films you have seen.
You should see it. It was too long/boring.
. It's a must-see. It's a waste of time.
. Don't miss it.
A: Have you seen ...?
B: Yes, I saw it last Sunday.
A: Did you like it?
B: It was great. The sound effects were
amazing. You should see it.​

6. 7.UE5 7.56Use the phrasesto recommend films you have seen.+You should see it. It was too long/bor

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19.10.2020 08:07

How are you? Как дела?

Используется также и краткая форма: How’re you?

How are you doing? Как поживаете? Как поживаешь?

Таким образом уже можно получить небольшие диалоги:

— Hi! How’re you? Привет! Как дела?

— I’m good, thanks. Yourself? Хорошо Ты как?

— I’m also good. Thank you. Тоже хорошо

— Hi! How are you doing? Привет! Как дела?

— Good, thank you. Yourself? Очень хорошо У тебя как?

— Very well, thanks. Очень хорошо

Вопрос «Yourself?» переводится как «А ты?» «А ты как?». Данное слово употребляется после ответа на какой-то вопрос. Чтобы не повторять полностью этот же вопрос, используется вопрос «Yourself?». Например:

- Ты смотрел фильм «Годзилла»?

- Да. А ты?

Дальше диалог развивается в зависимости оттого, с каким человеком идет беседа. Если это хорошо знакомый человек, то диалог при встрече может продолжиться вопросами о родственниках и друзьях.

How’s your father? Как поживает твой отец?

How’s your mother? Как дела у твоей мамы?

How’s your husband? Как дела у твоего мужа?

How’s your wife? Как дела у твоей жены?

How are your kids? Как ваши дети?

How’s Oleg? Как поживает Олег?

How’s Maxim? Как дела у Максима?

How’s Masha? Как поживает Маша?

Благодаря этим простым фразам мы можем расширить наши диалог.

— Hi! How are you? Привет! Как дела?

— I’m good, thanks. Yourself? Хорошо Ты как?

— Good. How’s Olga? Хорошо. Как поживает Ольга?

— She’s good. Хорошо.

— How’s your mother? Как дела у твоей мамы?

— She’s good. Хорошо.

— How’s your job? Как твоя работа?

— It’s good. Thanks for asking. Хорошо что спросил.

Фраза «Thanks for asking» является вежливым ответом, когда кто-то интересуется вашими делами, семьей, проблемами и т.д. Переводится фраза, как что поинтересовались, спросили».

Очень часто при встрече в диалоге звучит вопрос «Что нового?» Это некий продолжить диалог.

What’s new? Что нового? Что новенького?

What’s up? Что происходит?

Благодаря этим простым вопросам мы можем еще увеличить наш диалог.

— Hi, Olga! What’s up? Привет, Ольга! Как дела?

— I just got a new job! Я только что нашла новую работу!

— Really? That’s great! Good luck with your new job! Правда? Здорово! Удачи с твоей новой работой!

Следующие фразы мы можем использовать для диалога с человеком, которого давно не видели.

It’s been a long time! How’ve you been? Давно не виделись! Как ты поживал(а) все это время?

I haven’t seen you around lately. Where have you been? Тебя не видно в последнее время. Где ты был(а)? (Где ты пропадаешь?)

It’s been ages since I last saw you! Данную фразу на русский язык можно перевести известной русской фразой: Сто лет тебя не видел!

It is so good to see you! Так здорово тебя видеть! (Так здорово с тобой встретиться!)

Благодаря этим фразам наш диалог еще расширяется.

— Hi, Sveta! Is that you? It’s been a long time! How’ve you been? Привет, Света! Ты ли это? Давно не виделись! Как ты?

— I’m fine. Yourself? Прекрасно! А ты?

— Good, thanks. It is so good to see you! You look great! You haven’t changed a bit! Хорошо Отлично выглядишь. Ты совсем не изменилась!

— Neither have you. So, how’s life? What’s new? Ты тоже не изменилась. Как жизнь? Что нового?

— I’m good, thanks. Хорошо

— Marina! Hello! Марина! Привет!

— Hi! How are you? Привет! Как дела?

хорошо. Ты выглядишь прекрасно! Сто лет тебя не видел.

— Three years exactly. Три года, если точно.

— Right. You haven’t changed a bit! So, what’s up? What’s been happening in your life? Верно. Ты совсем не изменилась. Ну, как дела? Что происходит?

— Not much has been going on. Same old, same old. Ничего особенно и не произошло. Все по-старому.

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07.03.2022 23:46

Remarkable “pearls” can be found in the archive. Such pages of the history of our city, which are not written in any textbook. For example, the following memo from a veterinarian to the City Council. We are talking about the place where now the favorite place for festivals of the Annunciation is about the central square:

     “January 23rd day of 1891. Along the embankment, between Blagoveshchenskaya and Chigirinskaya streets, there is a landfill site where manure is brought from all over the city. Manure also comes from yards where epizootics exist. Stray cattle and pigs go to the landfill site and select the remaining food from the manure, which circumstance may cause the spread of a particular epizootic in the city. Bringing this to the attention of the City Council, I would ask, in the interests of the city, to fence the designated dump site with a fence and to warn residents of Blagoveshchensk not to let cattle out of the yards by publication. ”

     Judging by the fact that in 1909 the following article appeared in Amurskaya Gazeta, the wasteland, on which Lenin Square is now, was not as beautiful as it is now: “Urban residents are now, as always, forced to use instead some dung infusion of water, since the entire coast of the Amur River is littered with a thick layer of dung. In particular, a lot of manure was piled near the bathhouse. ”

     One hundred years ago, one of the favorite summer activities in Blagoveshchensk was “boat trips”. True, admiring the views of the city from the river side was much more expensive than today: gentlemen had to pay one and a half rubles for such a pleasure, and ladies - one ruble (do not forget: the teacher received 25 rubles per month).

     But the buffets on the "pleasure boats" could compete with any restaurant today! The daily menu of the Steamboat Count Putyatin steamer’s buffet included: a consomme with croutons, three kinds of villagers, veal and mutton cutlets, “sour cream”, “in Russian” and “a la Cossack” burgers, Little Russian borscht, steaks, filet “ sauté "and" minion "and" Nelson’s images "(what is the reason for the old Russian dish, whose name, according to Dahl’s dictionary, meant" duality, duplicity, "and the legendary English admiral - it’s not clear), Viennese schnitzel, ham and peas , entrecote with potatoes, fried and “steam” chickens, wild goose with cabbage, scrambled eggs with jam and “sou Tang "cakes. The cheapest dish - chickens - cost 20 cents per serving. The most expensive is the fillet “sauté” and “minion” - twenty rubles per serving, that is, more expensive than the “female” steamer ticket.

     From the report of the military governor of the Amur Region (the reports were read personally by the emperor) for 1908: “... The reporting year was marked by the opening of a through postal route along a new highway - the Amur Highway, along this route the transportation of mail, cargo and passengers began. The communication between the Blagoveshchensk and Trans-Baikal regions is supported by winter along the ice of the Amur River, and during spring and autumn thawing by a pack path along mountain paths, partly along valleys and fields along the same Amur. "

     One way to leave your name in history is to get a penalty from your superiors. As now, a hundred years ago, all reprimands were recorded in documents. “Order: to dismiss the horse guard of the Night Guard of the city of Roman Bolobon and the foot guard of the Night Guard of the city of Vadim Cross.” Reason: at night, leaving the streets of the city, which were supposed to go around, the guards drank in a tavern. And right after the order there are documents on conducting an “official investigation”. We checked Roman Bolobon’s statement that he had a birthday. We talked with the mistress of the pub, where friends had the misfortune not only to drink, but also to buzz. And fired. A birthday man is not a birthday man, but do not drink in the service!

     By the way, for information: the guards of the night security of the city at that time received more than teachers: 30 rubles a month. Plus, at the same time, when they got a job, they paid 60 rubles of uniform (it was expensive uniform!), And equestrian guards also paid 300 rubles a year to keep the horse (forging, treatment, equipment). Of course, hardly so much was spent on a horse and uniform. Most likely, part of this money is the marina of the Amur Shipping Company. the servants took themselves.

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