6. b) Listen to the legend again and answer the questions in exercise 3a. 4. Discuss the questions. a) Did you like the legend about Issyk-Kul Lake? Why / not? b) Do you think that the girl took the right decision to thro w herself out of the window? c) What would you do in her place? d) What do you think the young man did after he returned from his journey? 103
It is important to keep the house clean for many reasons. First of all, it should be done from the hygiene viewpoint. Personally I am allergic to dust. For that reason we try to avoid dust on furniture all the time. Cleaning the dust is one of the main chores in our house. We do it almost every day. As for vacuum-cleaning, washing the clothes, mopping and sweeping the floor, wiping the mirrors — all of it done during the weekend. Once or twice a year we wash the windows and change the curtains. Содержать дом в чистоте важно по многим причинам. Прежде всего, это должно быть сделано с точки зрения гигиены. Лично у меня аллергия на пыль. По этой причине мы всегда стараемся избавляться от пыли, которая накапливается на мебели. Уборка пыли — одна из основных задач в нашем доме. Мы делаем это почти каждый день. Что касается уборки пылесосом, стирки одежды, мытья и подметания полов, вытирания зеркал — все это делается во время выходных. Раз или два в год мы моем окна и меняем шторы.
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Nowadays computers mean everything. They help us to find any information we need, to watch films without going to the cinema or listen to music we like, to talk with our friends on the Internet, even to do our homework. But is it so good, to use computers instead real life? On the one hand, we have an access to information, such as pictures, videos, music, we can use them at any time only by one or two clicks, we can chat with our friends without going into windy or rainy street,we can write letters, find a job..But there is nothing to compare with the real life, real communication, going to libraries or to the cinema, talking with friends in the cafe. So I suppose, that computers, though they can be helpful, are not a blessing. They are a curse in some kind. They kill our wish for living a real life.