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25.11.2020 08:59 •  Английский язык

6 Grade II variant. Summative assessment for the unit “Our Neighbourhood”
Learning objectives understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics (6.W6) Link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics (6.W9) Punctuate written work at text level on a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics with some accuracy
Assessment criteria
• Recognise detailed information in extended conversation with support
• Connect sentences into paragraphs with basic connectors and linking words with minimal support
• Use punctuation marks appropriately in a piece of writing
Level of thinking skills Application
Duration 20 minutes
Reading Task 1. Read the text below and complete the task.
New neighbours
It's Saturday morning and something is happening next door.
Joan: Steve, what's all that noise outside?
Steve: Just a minute, I'll have a look. Oh! It looks as if the new next door neighbours are moving in.
Joan: Oh, it's a bit early, isn't it? Ah well I guess we'd better get up.
Steve: It's amazing how quickly the houses are selling round here, the Browns only put it on the market a month ago.
Joan: Where did they move to?
Steve: I think he told me they were buying a detached house in Surbiton.
Joan: Sounds nice. I hope the new neighbours are nice.
Steve: Well, I was speaking with Mr Brown last week. He told me they were a young couple with two daughters. They liked the house because it was near a good school.
Joan: Two daughters! That will please John.
Steve: Ha! Maybe we'd better pop next door and say hello.
Joan: Yes, and maybe we'd better start thinking of selling too. I'd like a detached house in Surbiton as well!
Steve: Hmm.

Mark the sentences True, False or Doesn’t say.
1. There's a lot of noise.
2. The neighbours are moving out.
3. A lot of houses in the area are for sale.
4. They liked the house because it was cheap.
5. The Browns have bought a semi-detached house.

Writing task
Describe one of your neighbours.
You should write:
• who he/she is
• how often you see/meet him/her
• what type of person he/she is
• and explain why you like/dislike this neighbor, using but, and, or.

Показать ответ
11.08.2022 23:12
1) I have a large family that I love very much. My older sister Megan is always happy to help me with my lessons as she has already finished school and is studying to be a doctor at university. My mum and dad are proud of her, especially my dad as he is a doctor himself. Mum is fully immersed in housework, but she doesn't have much time now because my little brother Tom was born a fortnight ago. Luckily my grandmother Maria is helping my mum. She has been around a long time, so she knows how to cope with young children, especially as she has brought up my mother, Megan and me. I love and appreciate each family member very much, I hope they live forever more.
3) I live in a big flat, so my parents let me have my own room. It's not big, but I'm very happy to have my own space, my own nook. I love my room, there are so many memories associated with each item. For example, this old wardrobe from my beloved grandmother. I remember hiding in it from my parents for a bad grade. There are so many important things in it, and it's not just a wardrobe full of them. My whole room just drowns in all sorts of things. My parents say it's a mess, but it creates an atmosphere, I like living in things. I like to wrap myself in them when I lie in my big bed. I like to look at posters of my favourite music groups on the walls before I go to bed. There may not be much furniture in the room, but I still love my little nook.
4) I want to live in a spacious two-storey house with large windows and spacious rooms. I want to have a veranda on the roof so that I could come to the veranda at any time and read a book or just watch the sunset or the sunrise. On the ground floor I want a spacious kitchen where I could cook different meals, a library room next to it so that I could take any book and go to the veranda.
My first floor will be four large rooms, one will be my office where I will do homework or something like that, next to my bedroom, the last two rooms will be for guests.
5) My favourite athlete, Lionel Messi, has long been a true symbol of Argentina. As a member of the national team of his native country and of the Spanish club Barcelona, he has won several times in various competitions: the UEFA Champions League, Spanish and Spanish Cups and Super Cups, the European Super Cup and Club World Cups. The footballer has repeatedly managed to set records for the number of goals he has scored in his career. The year 2014 was particularly successful for the athlete, when he managed to break the multi-year records in the history of FC Barcelona, the Spanish championship and the Champions League.
Certainly, that fascinates me. As does the fact that Messi has repeatedly been voted the best footballer in Europe and the world, receiving Golden and Diamond Balls for his services.
It makes me proud to watch my favourite athlete play, knowing that Messi is doing so well in a way that no one has done for a long time before him and probably won't do after. That's why he is without a doubt one of the best players of our time and footballers of all time.
6) I live in a small provincial town, so I am surrounded by many small parks where you can take a walk on a fresh spring morning. On the way to the park, you can go to a little shop near my house where you can buy all sorts of knick-knacks. I'm lucky that I live close to school, so I can go to the café on the corner before class and buy a cup of fragrant cocoa for a successful day. At weekends, I usually go shopping with my mother at a nearby fairground. It's on the big square near the monument. On holidays, lots of people gather there to have fun.
7) On weekdays, I usually get up at 6:30. I like to get up early to do my jogging in the park, so I get my pyjamas off and put on my sportswear. There is a very beautiful and quiet park not far from my home and I go jogging there every day, even on weekends. Then I go back home and have a shower. Then I get dressed and go to the kitchen for breakfast. My mother usually cooks breakfast, but sometimes I do it myself. I prefer a large cup of coffee and a sandwich, but my mother often cooks porridge. She believes that the porridge is the most healthy and useful breakfast for the whole day.

Then I shine my shoes and call my friend who lives next door and we go to school together. The school is quite close to our house. Lessons start at 9 o’clock and finish at two or three, it depends on the schedule. Then I come home and have lunch. After lunch, I have a little rest and then I start doing my homework. Usually, the homework takes me two hours. If mom asks me, I take the rubbish out or go grocery shopping for supper or do another simple daily routine.

Then I go for a walk with my friend and his dog. We go to the park and throw a ball, and the dog brings it back to us.
In the evening I have dinner with my family. We all get together, joke, have fun, discuss our family affairs.
I usually go to bed around eleven o’clock.
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07.11.2022 18:09

1. I know such mass media as Journalism, social media, television, radio, books and newspapers.

2. Yes, I like watching TV or TV shows. I watch TV for two times a day.

3. Yes? I can imagine my life without television. Because, I can read books, magazines or newspapers.

4. My favorite cartoon on TV is Tom & Jerry. Because, it's very funny and interesting.


Я написала в 4 ответе что люблю Том и Джерри, но если не нравится можете написать другое. Например Frozen( Холодное сердце), Spider-man ( Человек-паук) и т.д.

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