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Русский язык

6. Найдите в нижеследующих предложениях инфинитив, определите его форму и функцию в предложении. Дифференцируйте конструкции объектный и именительный падеж с инфинитивом. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. To speak with her was a real pleasure. 2. It was a real pleasure to speak to her. 3. The important thing is to repeat all the rules. 4. I must do it at once. 5. He began to study English at school. 6.He promised to come in time. 7.I am ready to help him. 8. I am eager to help him. 9. I am able to help him. 10. Here is the article to be translated at once. 11. He stopped to read a wall newspaper. 11. I saw him cross the street. 12. I know him to have said that. 13. I want you to help me. 14. He was seen to cross the street. 15. He is known to be a famous singer. 16. He was seen to dance in the hall. 17. It’s natural for him to help his friends. 18. I waited for him to speak. 19. This is the book for you to read. 20.He made a remark in a voice too low for me to catch.
7. Письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод объектного и именительного падежей с инфинитивом.
1. Culture is supposed to include the social dimension. 2. One thinks religion and culture to be two indispensable parts of one whole, its ascending and descending aspirations, breath and exhalation. 3. Culturology is considered to be connected with democratic and pluralistic mentalities because it takes its starting point from the gap between different national and racial cultures. 4. The professor wants this student to attend lectures on the arts of antiquity, performances of avant-garde theater, exhibitions of medieval icons and of abstract paintings.
8. Переведите следующие предложения, и по форме глагола-сказуемого определите тип условных придаточных предложений. Переведите.
1. If you introduce just one new member, you will alter the personality of the group. 2. If we are making a play about the Battle of Waterloo we shall need to know as much as possible about the details of the battle. 3. Samuel Beckett said about his play Waiting for Godot, "I don't know who Godot is—if I had known I should have said so in the play." 4. Pinter, an English dramatist, declared, "My plays are not symbolic—I wouldn't know a symbol if I saw one." 5. If a student at Oxford fails in an examination he will be allowed to take it again. 6. If you travel down the Thames on a river bus, you will see on your left the grey stone walls and the towers of the Tower of London. 7. "Eliza, if you were to live here for the next six months you would learn how to speak beautifully." (B. Shaw. Pygmalion). 8. If people are on any terms of friendly acquaintance, they will use Christian name or surname only. 9. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. (Proverb) 10. If you cannot bite never show your teeth. (Proverb).
9. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие условные придаточные II и III типа. Помните, что сказуемое в придаточных условных II и III типа переводится глаголом в сослагательном наклонении временем с частицей «бы»). Дифференцируйте типы условных придаточных предложений.
1. Almost any worker in England would feel insulted (обиженный) if he was addressed by a superior (старший) as "Jones" instead of "Mr Jones". 2. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. (A proverb). 3. If the tourists came to Glasgow they would visit Alloway near Ayr, the cottage where Robert Burns was born in 1759. 4. If a Londoner wanted a good pit seat, he would have to queue (стоять в очереди) for it outside "the theatre for several hours before the beginning of the performance. 5. If Boris Pasternak had not become a great poet he would have been a talented pianist and a composer. 6. If Stanislavsky in his opera activities had staged the only one opera — Eugene Onegin, the whole world would have had the right to call him a great reformer of the opera theatre. 7. If S. Eizenstein had managed to finish the three parts of the cin-ema-tragedy Ivan the Terrible, we should have seen the greatest creation of cinema art. 8. If Shakespeare had listened to the opera Othello by Verdi, he would have been delighted with it. 9. If Laurence Olivier had played only the role of Hamlet he would have come into the history of the English theatre. 10. If the English people had much leisure time they would devote it to gardening.

Показать ответ
13.10.2020 17:41
1.) How long did you stay there?/How long was Nick doing his homework?
2.) Where did Sam go yesterday?/ Where was Mary walking until I rang her?
3.) What was Ann doing at 5 o'clock last Friday?/ What did you do last weekend?
4.) Why did you send her an e-mail two weeks ago?/ Why was Ally watching that show from 3 till 4 yesterday?
5.) Whom did Alex write a letter last Monday?/ Whom was you doing a present before I came to you?
6.) How was you clining your room from 5 till 7 yesterday?/ How did you play with her brother yesterday?
7.) When did he start his work?/ When was Peter cooking?
8.) Who did paint this picture?/ Who was working in her garden from 9 till 11 yesterday?
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22.10.2022 10:30


The medical profession - one of the oldest professions. Even in primitive society, people are engaged in practice of medicine, and with the emergence of religion all the functions are concentrated in the hands of doctors healers. In the history of the names will forever be the first prominent physicians of antiquity (Hippocrates, Asclepiades and others), whose knowledge and skill to treat people not only saved many lives, but also led to the development of medicine. From the XVII to the quality of training of doctors is constantly improving, being improved health organization. At present, medical science is becoming more and more the causes and mechanisms of disease, equipping medical personnel better methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases.

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