6 Write an email to Günter. Use your notes and the language below. I go to There's / There are The school day We wear I don't wear In my year we study The school's got
Work as I conducted summer vacations This summer I conducted summer vacations maximally productively and useful. I not simply whole days sat at the computer, television, went simply for a street. I helped the parents on a house. Asked them to assign to me and executed him diligently. In a middle a summer I conducted summer vacations in country for a grandmother and grand-dad. For them I in every way tried to them to help on a house, vegetable garden, economy. Fed a dog, cat, chickens. Tried to behave well and not to do for a grand-dad with a grandmother mood. They by me were satisfied and tried to me in everything to please. Asked, that to buy me and did gifts to me. At the end of summer I conducted summer vacations in a camp in-field at a lake. There very pleased me. Crisp air, beauty of the forest, warm water of lake. In a camp I became acquainted and потоваришував with boys and girls. It was very interestingly in a camp, because every day was gap-filling безліччю events. In the day-time we went for a lake, in the forest, gathered mushrooms. In the evening we looked the animated cartoons or films
Самолёт, воздушное пространство, ВВС, летний курорт, дом отдыха, таможня, столовая, вагон-ресторан, гостиная, камин, ночная жизнь, газетный киоскер, солнечные очки, поп-звезда,сноуборд, прыжки с моста, вертолёта со специальным эластичным канатом, землетрясение, теплица, портативный компьютер, программное обеспечение, научная фантастика, Солнечная система, ьак называемый, стрижка, щетка для волос, холодильник, газета, блокнот,тропический лес, продолжительность жизни, дождевик, спортсмен, солнечный свет, восход, подсолнух, пирсинг.