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65. I’ve been short of money _I bought a new house. A) although B) when C) because of D) ever since 66. My friend broke one of the best vases, so she said: “I hope you’ll excuse me _” A) to break that vase B) for breaking that vase C) for being broken D) to be broken 67. Cindy: Is Manhattan near here? Cindy wanted to know _Manhattan was near here. A) what B) which C) where D) if 68. Nobody wants to do anything about that problem _ everybody knows it is serious. A) that’s why B) even though C) thereby D) because of 69. _ , silent people or talkative ones? A) What you love is B) Why do you love best C) Which you prefer is D) Who do you hate most 70. The car is terribly dirty. I’m sure it _ for weeks. A) isn’t cleaned B) hasn’t been cleaned C) hadn’t been cleaned D) wasn’t cleaned 71. A: Why do you save _money? B: To get married. A) up B) for C) with D) to 72. I __to him because I thought I _ him somewhere. A) had spoken / saw B) spoke / saw C) spoke / had seen D) had spoken / had seen 73. A: _the burglar before? B: No, I _ him before I saw him in the bank. A) Did you ever see / hadn’t met B) Had you ever seen / hadn’t met C) Have you ever seen / didn’t meet D) Had you ever seen / didn’t meet 74. A: Why did you leave the concert early? B: Because I found _ . A) it boring B) it bored C) bored D) boring 75. I’d like you _spending all our money on that old car. In fact, you don’t even have _ that car. A) to stop / to drive B) stopping / to drive C) to stop / driving D) stop / to drive 76. No matter how hard they struggled with it, the window _open. A) isn’t B) wasn’t C) wouldn’t D) couldn’t 77. “I think she might be on this bus.” means: _ on this bus. A) She is pure she is B) She is possibly C) She won’t be D) She is definitely 78. A: I’ve got a terrible cold. B: You _. A) had better go to bed B) had better not go to a doctor C) must go out D) need to work harder 79. _ have a cup of coffee if you don’t mind. A) I decided to B) I’m sure to C) I’d rather D) I prefer 80. The car _ if you _ to a mechanic. A) breaks down / will take it B) will break down / will take C) is going to break down / don’t take it D) will break down / won’t take it 81. Those policemen react _faster in emergencies. A) many B) a lot of C) some D) much 82. That’s the _ car I’ve ever seen. It uses _ petrol than any other car I know. A) cheapest / less B) cheaper / less C) cheapest / the least D) cheaper / more 83. Ali studies 3 hours a day. Emre studies 2 hours a day. Emre doesn’t study _Ali does. A) so hard that B) as hard as C) as good as D) less than 84. He always leaves _ work at 5:30 and goes _ home. A) from / to B) _ / _ C) _ / to D) from / _ 85. How are we going to finish this work when we’ve got only _time and _people to do it? A) a few / a few B) a little / a little C) a few / a little D) a little / a few 86. There isn’t _food left but there are _ drinks. A) any / some B) some / some C) some / any D) any / any 87. A: People have a duty to fight inflation. B: _. A) Neither does the Government B) So does the Government C) So did the Government D) The Government doesn’t either 88. Don’t disturb them. They _ to an important lecture. A) listened B) listen C) are listening D) have listened 89. What are those students in the line waiting _ ? A) about B) to C) for D) at 90. _ you leave the letter on the table, my sister will post it for you. A) Unless B) If C) Wherever D) Even though 91. A: Why didn’t you answer me? B: I didn’t hear _ . A) why did you ask it B) what did you ask C) what you asked D) why you asked 92. “He isn’t sure he can repair the damage but, he hopes to.” Means “He _ be able to repair it.” A) will B) should C) may D) would 93. “It’s time salaries went up” means: A) This time salaries went up B) Salaries went up that time C) Salaries went up and it was the right time D) We think salaries ought to go up 94. A: When did they give the workers a rise? B: A rise _ last month. A) was given to them B) gave them C) was given for them D) had been given to them 95. A: Did you manage to pass the exam? B: It was _ , but I managed it all right. A) difficult enough B) too difficult C) extremely difficult D) such difficult 96. _ his good work and manners he didn’t get a promotion. A) Because of B) In spite of C) Even though D) As a result of 97. It is clear that progress destroys beauty. That’s why most people object to it _ our surrounding this way. A) change B) be changed C) changed D) changing 98. A: You ought to explain this matter to the union. B: It’s already been explained _ . A) them B) to them C) for them D) to this matter 99. That scientist was one of the first _ with bacteria. A) experimenting B) to experiment C) experiment D) experiments 100. She _ found her photographs, because she is still looking for them. A) mustn’t has B) can’t have C) needn’t have D) oughtn’t have

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20.10.2021 06:04
Русские дети веселятся в лагере. Мы посетили его в месяце и прекрасно провели время. Spotlight Россия посетил международный детский компьютерный центр. Международный детский компьютерный центр в Кукморе Ярославской области -- знаменитый на весь мир лагерь для развития компьютерных навыков у молодых людей. Открыт он был в 1986 году и уже в 1988 стал школой,объединённой с ЮНЕСКО. Сюда съезжаются дети со всего мира. В лагере есть множество вариантов активного времяпровождения,в том числе катание на лошадях и гребля. Рядом с компьютерными классами располагаются классы английского,немецкого,французского,истории,ИЗО,этики,экологии и даже зоологии. Ученики могут заниматься спортом,участвовать в театральном кружке,в танцевальных клубах,играть в музыкальной группе и ходить на экскурсии в Переславль-Залесский. Компьютерные классы предназначены для всех уровней: от простых навыков использования интернета и отправки эмейлов до компьютерной алгебры,аудиоредакции,программирования и графики. Все дети,посещающие центр,прекрасно проводят время и заводят новых друзей. Вот высказывания нескольких из них о проведённом здесь времени. 
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24.03.2020 22:41
Tекст взят из книги для чтения (см. файл)

За дверью оказалась дыра. Она шла вниз, как глубокий колодец, и Алиса падала все ниже и ниже. Она падала очень медленно, и в течение очень долгого времени. 
"Я должно быть рядом с центром Земли," подумала она. Внезапно она шлепнулась на палки и сухие листья.
Алиса встала и огляделась. Она увидела, как белый кролик побежал по туннелю, и побежала за ним. " О мои бедные усы, мои бедные уши! Как я опаздываю!" сказал кролик. 
Кролик забежал за угол. Алиса последовала за ним, но когда она повернула за угол, кролика не было. Алиса очутилась в длинной и низкой комнате, в которой повсюду были двери. Она попыталась открыть двери, но все они были заперты. 
"Что же мне теперь делать?" подумала она. "Как мне выбраться отсюда?"
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