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68. Choose the right variant.
The fast food restaurant was dirty. We didn’t eat there.
a) extremely
b) bit
c) extreme
d) very much
e) as

69. Choose the right variant.
My coffee was yours. I almost burned by mouth
a) more hotter
b) hotter than
c) hotter
d) hottest
e) as hot

70. Choose the right variant.
The first reality TV show in Sweden in 1997.
a) was shown
b) is shown
c) shown
d) show
e) showing
71. Choose the right variant.
I mostly with my friends via email
a) keep in touch
b) see each other
c) get on well
d) have in common
e) face to face

72. Choose the right variant
She’s very successful. Her ___ has risen a lot in the past few years.
a) salary
b) money
c) earnings
d) Job
e) vacancy
73. Choose the right variant.
Stress is not an illness, but it can ___ to many illnesses
a) affect
b) celebrate
c) get
d) contribute
e) go

74. Choose the right variant.
Nowadays many processes___
a) are computerized
b) have been computerized
c) was computerized
d) have computerized
e) are being computerized
75. Choose the right variant.
If I a lot of money, I'd keep it.
a) have found
b) found
c) find
d) am finding
e) had found

76. Choose the right variant.
I'm not going with you, I this film twice.
a) seen
b) have seen
c) saw
d) see
e) `m seeing

77. Choose the right variant.
His hair and clothes were wet because he in the river
a) had been swimming
b) had swum
c) swam
d) is swimming
e) was swimming

78. Choose the right variant.
My aunt is going to stay with me.
a) How do you do?
b) How`s life?
c) How come?
d) How often?
e) How long for?

79. Choose the right variant.
Which of this is a noun? It`s ___
a) Thing
b) Think
c) That
d) There
e) those

80. Choose the right variant.
Which of these is a passive? It is __ ___.
a) He`s been there
b) He`s being there
c) He will have been there
d) He would be there
e) He`s been taken there

81. Choose the right variant .
Which of these sentences is Past Perfect Simple? It is___ .
a) She had laughed
b) She laughed
c) She has been laughing
d) She was laughing
e) She was laughing

82. Choose the right variant .
Which of these tenses is Present Simple? It is.
a) He is speaking
b) He will speak
c) He spoke
d) He has spoken
e) He speaks+

83. Choose the right variant. Which of these is a personal pronoun? It is ___ .
a) Their
b) There
c) Theirs
d) Those
e) They+

84. Choose the right variant.
All right let me ask you what you like doing least of ?
a) it
b) everything
c) that entire
d) that
e) all+

85. Choose the right variant.
We went to Paris last summer.
a) I`ve never been there
b) I never did there
c) I never went there
d) I never go there
e) I never gone there

86. Choose the right variant.
That`s a good question but I need to think about it.
a) length
b) time
c) truth
d) space
e) size

87. Choose the right variant.
Don`t worry, there is no need to answer . I`m not in a hurry.
a) hardly
b) fairly
c) firstly
d) easily
e) immediately

88. Choose the right variant.
I like anything to do with sport.
a) Do you?
b) Did you?
c) Have you?
d) Are you?
e) Will you?

89. Choose the right variant. You know the boss will be angry with you.
a) I don`t care
b) I`m not caring
c) I care nothing
d) I`m not at all caring
e) I take care

90. Choose the right variant.
I could give you a lift to the station.
a) There`s no idea
b) There`s no requirement
c) There`s no aim
d) There`s no practically
e) There is no need

91. Choose the right variant.
The kids were really badly and rude.
a) believed
b) understood
c) behaved
d) taken
e) taught

92. Choose the right variant.
It was really ___ to control children.
a) hard
b) dark
c) warm
d) cold
e) big​

93. Choose the right variant.
They ___ a few jokes, mostly because I used to be a teacher.
a) have
b) make
c) get
d) be
e) take

94. Choose the right variant. He lost his job when the company ___.
a) got up
b) brought up
c) closed down
d) stand up
e) hung out

95. Choose the right variant. If you put lemon juice on a banana, ___ go black.
a) it doesn`t
b) it didn`t
c) it don`t
d) it isn`t
e) it wouldn`t

96. Choose the right variant.
If I pass my exams, I___ chemistry at university
a) might be study
b) might study
c) might to study
d) cannot to study
e) have not to study

97. Choose the right variant.
You`re a famous British chef but if you ___ a chef, what would you do?
a) be
b) were
c) wouldn`t
d) would be
e) weren`t

98. Choose the right variant.
I would play football if I ___ because I love it.
a) can
b) could
c) will
d) would
e) must

99. Choose the right variant.
If I ___ a restaurant in Paris, that would be fantastic.
a) did have
b) would have
c) had+
d) might have
e) have

100. Choose the right variant. I only __ one mistake in last night`s test.
a) made
b) done
c) did
d) make
e) do

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03.01.2021 07:27

my schedule contains a plenty of interesting subjects, but my favourite one is   conspirology. this discipline teaches us about things regular scientists still can't explain. for example, conspirology tells about reptiloids willing to invade our homeland and filthy americans that are about to steal our national resources. i find this subject fascinating since it gives people prospective and useful knowledge and affects our minds. the subject i badly dislike is natural science. they hide the truth about our planet making us thinking that human being has come from ape, though it is obvious that we are all the children of god. though i have subjects i hate in my schedule, i like learning new information and develop my learning skill. school is a temple of knowledge.

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04.07.2020 10:18

«что за город такой – макеевка? », спрашивают пассажиры поездов, проносящихся мимо невзрачного вокзала макеевки, где ни один поезд не стоит более 2 минут (смотри расписание движения пассажирских поездов по станции макеевка - пассажирская).

однако, макеевка - один из крупнейших промышленных центров украины. а ошибочное впечатление складывается из-за того, что макеевка является спутником города миллионника донецка и постоянно находится в его тени. хотя по населению (389 тыс. в 2001 г.) макеевка превосходит многие известные областные центры украины и россии (ивано-франковск – 218 тыс., ужгород – 117 тыс., чита – 306 тыс. и т.д.)

при движении автомобилем из макеевки в донецк, если вы не обратите внимания на дорожные знаки, показывающие конец города макеевки и начало донецка, то вы и не заметите, когда окажетесь в донецке.

более того, сейчас широко обсуждается вопрос: кому принадлежит червоногвардейский район: макеевке или донецку.

краткая города макеевки

город макеевка (до 1931 г. — дмитриевск) основан в 1690 году. начало городу, (что документально доказал макеевский краевед н.а. колодяжный) положили казацкие поселения ясиновка, землянки, макеевка.

в 1861 году слобода макеевка стала центром вновь образованной макеевской волости миусского (с 1887 г.таганрогского) округа области войска донского.

к 1890-м на территории макеевской волости, в связи с открытием и началом промышленной разработки залежей каменного угля, формируется макеевский горный район и его административный центр — поселок дмитриевский (названный по имени первого шахтовладельца – дмитрия ивановича иловайского).

в июле 1917 года п. дмитриевкий получил статус города и стал центром макеевского района.

в апреле 1922 г. район, как территориально — административная единица был ликвидирован, и вся исполнительная власть перешла к дмитриевскому городскому совету.

5 апреля 1931 года город дмитриевск, из-за наличия нескольких одноименных населенных пунктов, переименован в город макеевку.

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