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71. I bought a belt. A) beautiful leather Italian
B) Italian beautiful leather
C) beautiful Italian leather
D) leather beautiful Italian
E) Italian leather beautiful

72. A: How much do you weigh?
B: .
A) I’d rather not tell you
B) I need not have told you
C) I will have told you
D) I couldn’t have told you
E) I’d better not be told

73. Your clothes smell, and you have got a cough. You smoke.
A) should
B) don’t have to
C) shouldn’t
D) have to
E) would

74. You tell lies. It is wrong.
A) shouldn’t
B) don’t have to
C) should
D) have to
E) need

75. Geoff works too much. I think he take it easy.
A) must
B) should
C) have to
D) don’t have to
E) need

76. My bedroom is a real mess. I clean it.
A) have to
B) must
C) don’t have to
D) should
E) need

77. There’s a wonderful new restaurant opened in town. You go there.
A) shouldn’t
B) should
C) must
D) don’t have to
E) need

78. You have a driving license if you want to drive a car.
A) have
B) should
C) have to
D) had to
E) need

79. You sit so close to the TV. It is bad for your eyes.
A) can
B) don’t have to
C) have to
D) shouldn’t
E) may

80. “I’m working 16 hours a day.”
“I think you talk to your boss.”
A) mustn’t
B) have to
C) can
D) should
E) need

81. “I’ve had a terrible toothache for weeks.”
“You go to the dentist.”
A) shouldn’t
B) have to
C) would
D) should
E) to be

82. If you want to do well in life you believe in yourself.
A) don’t have to
B) can
C) should
D) have to
E) to make

83. If you want to keep fit, you do some sport.
A) should
B) shouldn’t
C) have to
D) don’t have to
E) may

84. If you want to learn English, you speak your language in English lessons.
A) must
B) should
C) don’t have to
D) shouldn’t
E) ought to

85. Let them … the letter.
A) to answer
B) answering
C) answer
D) answered
E) will answer

86. I asked him where he ….
A) comes from
B) did come from
C) come from
D) does come from
E) came from

87. Hundreds of houses and … buildings have been destroyed by the tropical storm.
A) others
B) something
C) other
D) another
E) anything

88. Neither Frank … Peter could answer my question.
A) no
B) not
C) or
D) neither
E) nor

89. When we met on Friday, Peter told me that he … me up the day before.
A) had rung
B) has rung
C) have rung
D) having rung
E) have been ringing

90. Our family always gets together ... Christmas Day.
A) to
B) at
C) in
D) while
E) on

91. I haven't seen Ann ... a few days. I last saw her ... Tuesday.
A) for / at
B) during / on
C) during / at
D) for / on
E) to/at

92. We met a lot of people ... we were on holiday. ... that time, we also visited a lot of museums and galleries.
A) while / during
B) during / While
C) for / At
D) at / For
E) during/for

93. Tom doesn't see his parents very often – usually only ... the New Year and sometimes ... the summer for a few days.
A) at / on
B) on / in
C) on / at
D) at / in
E) on/to

94. I invited him … my place.
A) -
B) for
C) behind
D) in front of
E) to

95. I am very much pleased … the progress you have made lately.
A) in
B) with
C) of
D) after
E) on

96. Let’s go to the theatre together, …?
A) shall we
B) don’t we
C) shan’t we
D) shall let
E) will let

97. If it … dry and sunny, we’ll go to the country.
A) keep
B) kept
C) will keep
D) keeps
E) will keeps

98. If it … , we’ll go to the country.
A) won’t rain
B) doesn’t rain
C) don’t rain
D) willn’t rain
E) rain

99. Could you make him … singing?
A) to stop
B) stopping
C) stop
D) stopped
E) being stopped

100. At this time tomorrow I … in the lake.
A) will be swim
B) will have been swimming
C) will be swimming
D) will swim
E) will being swim

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21.10.2021 15:06
Geography really helps me to know a lot about the world around me. When I read the Geography text books I learn about differents countries and continents, about the climate, relief, population, animals and plants there. It is really interesting. The maps are really helpful. On the map I can see the relief of the region, the place where the country or the city is located. Some maps show us the climate of the world or the amount of population in the region. It is very easy to describe and compare the weather, the climate and the nature in different regions of Russia and in different parts the world using the specific map. During out geography lessons the teacher teaches us to read the maps. It is very interesting. That is why geography is my favourite lesson!
0,0(0 оценок)
16.06.2021 21:46
1.You are busy now, aren't you..
2.You were born in Moscow, .weren't you?.
3. There aren't many people in the library now, are there?..
4. He couldn't go there, could he?..
5. You haven't heard from your friend for a long time, .have you?.
6. She knows you, .doesn't she.?
7. You'll be back home early today, .won't you?.
8. He has read a lot of English books already, hasn't he?..
9. You didn't see your friend yesterday, did you.?.
10. You've spent a lot time on it, .haven't you?.
11. That's all you've got to say, haven't you?..
0,0(0 оценок)
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