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8 Write notes about your future arrangements. 1 What are you loing this evening 2 What are you dong tomorrow morning 3 What are you doing on Saturday

8 Write notes about your future arrangements. 1 What are you loing this evening 2 What are you dong

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31.07.2022 04:24

ответ: animals are very important in our life. some of them can become good friends for us. it is especially true about domestic animals. животные важны в нашей жизни. некоторые из них могут стать для нас хорошими друзьями. это особенно верно в отношении животных.

on days when i had no friends to play with in my childhood, i played with my dog. i had both dogs and cats. apart from these pets, once we bought a talking parrot and a hamster. i should say, parrots can be aggressive sometimes, although they are rather funny. hamsters need lots of attention and care. their cage often gets dirty and they need similar rodents to play with. в детстве, когда мне не с кем было играть, я играл со своей собакой. у меня были как собаки, так и кошки. помимо этих животных, однажды мы приобрели говорящего попугая и хомяка. нужно отметить, что попугаи иногда бывают агрессивными, хотя они довольно забавные. хомячкам нужно много внимания и заботы. их клетка часто загрязняется и им нужны другие грызуны для игр.

the best choice is to keep a cat or a dog as a pet. cats are very sweet animals. i had several cats during my childhood. some of them were grey, some black and white. as for dogs, i had only two dogs of various breeds. i can say that looking after animals and taking care of them is one of my favourite pastimes. out of all family members i was the one who went for a walk with our dogs. i fed them, played with them, trained and treated whenever they got ill. for example, my german shepherd has once broken its leg. i took gentle care of it until the leg was fine again. лучше всего в качестве питомца заводить кошку или собаку. кошки славные животные. у меня было несколько кошек в детстве. некоторые из них были серыми, другие черно- белыми. что касается собак, у меня было только две собаки различных пород. можно сказать, что уход за животными и забота о них являются одним из моих любимых занятий. из всех членов семьи именно я ходил на прогулку с нашими собаками. я кормил их, играл с ними, тренировал и лечил их всякий раз, когда они болели. например, моя овчарка однажды сломала ногу. я тщательно заботился о ней, пока нога не зажила.

speaking of other animals, i like almost all species that exist in the world, except insects. i’m not very fond of different insects. moreover, i’m afraid of spiders and cockroaches. when i want to learn something new about wild animals, i watch animal planet. it’s a very cognitive program that tells about a wide range of species. that’s how i learned that not all reptiles are dangerous and not all mammals are safe. говоря о других животных, я люблю почти все разновидности, которые существуют в мире, за исключением насекомых. я не люблю различных насекомых. более того, я боюсь пауков и тараканов. когда я хочу узнать что-то новое о диких животных, я смотрю «планету животных». это познавательная программа, которая рассказывает о многих видах животных. вот откуда я узнал, что не все рептилии опасны и не все млекопитающие безопасны.

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07.03.2022 23:46

Remarkable “pearls” can be found in the archive. Such pages of the history of our city, which are not written in any textbook. For example, the following memo from a veterinarian to the City Council. We are talking about the place where now the favorite place for festivals of the Annunciation is about the central square:

     “January 23rd day of 1891. Along the embankment, between Blagoveshchenskaya and Chigirinskaya streets, there is a landfill site where manure is brought from all over the city. Manure also comes from yards where epizootics exist. Stray cattle and pigs go to the landfill site and select the remaining food from the manure, which circumstance may cause the spread of a particular epizootic in the city. Bringing this to the attention of the City Council, I would ask, in the interests of the city, to fence the designated dump site with a fence and to warn residents of Blagoveshchensk not to let cattle out of the yards by publication. ”

     Judging by the fact that in 1909 the following article appeared in Amurskaya Gazeta, the wasteland, on which Lenin Square is now, was not as beautiful as it is now: “Urban residents are now, as always, forced to use instead some dung infusion of water, since the entire coast of the Amur River is littered with a thick layer of dung. In particular, a lot of manure was piled near the bathhouse. ”

     One hundred years ago, one of the favorite summer activities in Blagoveshchensk was “boat trips”. True, admiring the views of the city from the river side was much more expensive than today: gentlemen had to pay one and a half rubles for such a pleasure, and ladies - one ruble (do not forget: the teacher received 25 rubles per month).

     But the buffets on the "pleasure boats" could compete with any restaurant today! The daily menu of the Steamboat Count Putyatin steamer’s buffet included: a consomme with croutons, three kinds of villagers, veal and mutton cutlets, “sour cream”, “in Russian” and “a la Cossack” burgers, Little Russian borscht, steaks, filet “ sauté "and" minion "and" Nelson’s images "(what is the reason for the old Russian dish, whose name, according to Dahl’s dictionary, meant" duality, duplicity, "and the legendary English admiral - it’s not clear), Viennese schnitzel, ham and peas , entrecote with potatoes, fried and “steam” chickens, wild goose with cabbage, scrambled eggs with jam and “sou Tang "cakes. The cheapest dish - chickens - cost 20 cents per serving. The most expensive is the fillet “sauté” and “minion” - twenty rubles per serving, that is, more expensive than the “female” steamer ticket.

     From the report of the military governor of the Amur Region (the reports were read personally by the emperor) for 1908: “... The reporting year was marked by the opening of a through postal route along a new highway - the Amur Highway, along this route the transportation of mail, cargo and passengers began. The communication between the Blagoveshchensk and Trans-Baikal regions is supported by winter along the ice of the Amur River, and during spring and autumn thawing by a pack path along mountain paths, partly along valleys and fields along the same Amur. "

     One way to leave your name in history is to get a penalty from your superiors. As now, a hundred years ago, all reprimands were recorded in documents. “Order: to dismiss the horse guard of the Night Guard of the city of Roman Bolobon and the foot guard of the Night Guard of the city of Vadim Cross.” Reason: at night, leaving the streets of the city, which were supposed to go around, the guards drank in a tavern. And right after the order there are documents on conducting an “official investigation”. We checked Roman Bolobon’s statement that he had a birthday. We talked with the mistress of the pub, where friends had the misfortune not only to drink, but also to buzz. And fired. A birthday man is not a birthday man, but do not drink in the service!

     By the way, for information: the guards of the night security of the city at that time received more than teachers: 30 rubles a month. Plus, at the same time, when they got a job, they paid 60 rubles of uniform (it was expensive uniform!), And equestrian guards also paid 300 rubles a year to keep the horse (forging, treatment, equipment). Of course, hardly so much was spent on a horse and uniform. Most likely, part of this money is the marina of the Amur Shipping Company. the servants took themselves.

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