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27.07.2021 18:54 •  Английский язык

A) 1. how many continents do you know? what are their names? 2. which european countries do you know? 3. how many oceans are there in the world? what are their names? b) 1. which is the largest island in the world? 2. which is the largest sea in europe? 3. how many countries are washed by this sea? 4. which is the deepest lake in the world? where is it? c) what d'you call the people who live in england? 2. england larger or smaller than fra 3 what language do they speak in england? 4. what's the capital of england? 5. have you ever been to england? d) 1. have you ever tra 2. did you travel on business or for pleas 3. where have you been? when was it? what did you see there? 4. which mountain chains in the soviet union do you know? e) 1. have you ever spent a holiday in the caucasus (in the crimea) 2. what's the caucasus famous for? 3. why are there so many holiday centres in the cau casus (in the crimea) where are they situated? 4. where else can you go for a holiday i) 1. ich countries do you fly over if you go from mos cow to london by plane? 2. how many rivers do you cross if you travel to holland by train? 3. which countries do you pass through on your way to england? g) 1. what's the volga famous for? 2. which cities on the volga do you know? 3. which of them is the biggest? 4. are there any holiday centres on the volga? 5. you go to the volga or the dnieper for a holiday last year? 6. which of these two rivers is more beautiful? 7. is the lena as long as the volga? h) 1. are the urals between the volga and the lena? 2. where are the urals? are the urals very high? 4. are the pamirs higher than the urals? 5. what important industrial centres in the urals do you know? 6. which of them have you been to? ответьте на вопросыперевод 1. сколько континентов вы знаете? каковы их имена? 2. какие европейские страны вы знаете? 3. сколько океанов в мире? каковы их имена? б) 1. какой самый большой остров в мире? 2. какое море самое большое в европе? 3. сколько стран омывается этим морем? 4. какое самое глубокое озеро в мире? где это находится? в) как вы называете людей, которые живут в ? 2. больше или меньше фра 3 на каком языке говорят в ? 4. какая столица ? 5. ты когда-нибудь был в ? d) 1. вы когда-нибудь тра 2. вы путешествовали по делам или для удовольствия 3. где вы были? когда это было? что ты там видел? 4. какие горные цепи в советском союзе вы знаете? д) 1. вы когда-нибудь проводили отпуск на кавказе (в крыму) 2. чем славится кавказ? 3. почему в кау-казусе (в крыму) так много центров отдыха? где они расположены? 4. куда еще вы можете поехать отдохнуть? i) 1. в какие страны вы летите, если летите из москвы или коровы в лондон на самолете? 2. сколько рек вы пересекаете, если едете в голландию на поезде? 3. через какие страны вы проходите на пути в ? г) 1. чем славится волга? 2. какие города на волге вы знаете? 3. какой из них самый большой? 4. есть ли на волге базы отдыха? 5. вы едете на волгу или в днепр на отдых в году? 6. какая из этих двух рек красивее? 7. является ли лена такой же длинной как волга? h) 1. находится ли урал между волгой и леной? 2. где урал? урал высокий? 4. памир выше урала? 5. какие важные промышленные центры на урале вы знаете? 6. с кем из них ты был?

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16.01.2021 09:55
1. не поняла тему
2.Thanksgiving Day is one of the most favourite holidays in the United States. Every fourth Thursday of October American people celebrate this holiday. They usually stay at home and have a big family dinner. This day has a very important meaning in the history America. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by pilgrims in autumn of 1621. They were European travelers who sailed on “Mayflower” ship and tried to find the New World. Before their arrival to America the country was inhabited by Native American Indians. However, when they settled here, life was quite difficult. There was nothing to eat and nowhere to live. First winter was especially difficult and many people couldn’t survive without fresh food. In spring Native Indians taught pilgrims how to survive in America. They now could hunt, fish and grow plants. In the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest. To celebrate this occasion pilgrims decided to have a Thanksgiving feast. It meant that they were very thankful for their food. During this holiday the tables were full of fresh food: corn, beans, turkey, venison, pumpkin. Their Indian friends were also invited to share the feast. Nowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the main dish is still turkey. The most popular dessert is a pumpkin pie. People in Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving but it falls on every second Thursday of October.
3.On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national holiday — Independence Day. The United States gained independence as a result of gradual and painful process.

By the mid 1700's, it became difficult for thirteen British colonies in the New World to be ruled by a king 3000 miles across the ocean. The British empire imposed high taxes upon the colonies.

In 1774, the First Continental Congress drew up a list of grievances against the British crown. This document was the first draft of the document that would formally separate colonies from England.

In 1775, the Revolutionary War began. On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress presented a second draft of the list of grievances. On July 4, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of independence. But the War of independence lasted until 1783. After the war Independence Day became an official holiday.

On July 4, Americans have holiday from work. People have day-long picnics with favourite foods like hot dogs, ham-burgers, potato salad, baked beans. Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete at three-legged races or pie-eating or water-melon-eating contests.

Some cities have parades with people dressed as the original founding fathers who march to the music of high school bands. In the evening people gather to watch firework displays.

Wherever Americans are around the globe they will get together to celebrate Independence Day. 

4.Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. A lot of people consider that Jesus Christ was born on this day many years ago. It’s a sacred festival that’s why orthodox believers gather in the churches to attend the feast rite on Christmas. My whole family celebrates this feast: mother, father, my younger sister and I. My grandmother and grandfather very seldom visit us. We sit down to the festive table and light the candles at midnight. Everybody is always in a good mood. After the feast a week comes when we can tell fortunes. Every year my friends and I look in the mirror for our intended at night but we understand that it’s impossible to see our fate in a mirror. But anyway we believe that enchantment will happen.

But in other countries Christmas is celebrated in a different way. For example in the USA Christmas day is celebrated on December 25. On this day they decorate a Christmas tree and give presents to each other. All children wait for Santa Claus who will come in sleigh and give presents.

I like this feast very much because it inspires people with belief in the reality of miracles. Birth of Jesus Christ is the most important miracle for believers. This feast goes back to the earliest of times and it will never be forgotten.

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22.08.2020 15:41
Зэ джиант лукс эт зе хэн.Лэй! Энд зэ литл браун хэн лэйс эн эґґ. Хи сэйз ит эґэин энд ит лэйс эназэ: эґґ энд зэн эназэ:.Сун зеа тэн эґґз он зэ тэйбл.Джэк лукс сруз э хоул ин зэ авен дор энд сиис зэ эґґз. Зэ эґґз а ґолдэн!Зэ хэн из Мэджик! Зэ джиант из вэри тайред афтэ хиз биґ мил .Сун хиз айс клоуз энд хи фолз эслип.Джэк ґэтз риди ту лив Нав ай кэн ґоу .Хи слоули оупэе зэ авэн дор клаймбз аут оф зэ авен энд волкз ту зэ тэйбл .Хи вонтс ту тэйк зэ джиантс хэн Кам хир, Литл хэн Ю а каминґ виз ми ! Ай нид э Мэджик хэн .Нав ай кэн би рич энд мазэ вонт би энґри виз ми .Вайл зэ джиант из слипин ,Джэк тэйкз хэн форм зэ тэйбл.Хи из вэри квайт ,бикоз хи дазнт вонт ту вэйк виз хим ап
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