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27.02.2023 12:06 •  Английский язык

A Amanda, 33
I had been working in sales for six years when I suffered an ankle injury that was to change my whole life. It didn’t heal and someone suggested acupuncture, a traditional Chinese treatment for pain. I was so impressed by the treatment that I found out about classes. I had reached a point in my life where things had to change. In many ways I had it all: a company car, foreign business trips, my own house, a secure job. But at 29, I felt increasingly dissatisfied and wanted to be more adventurous. So I persuaded my boss to let me work a four-day week and did classes on the remaining day. It took four difficult years to qualify, as I was studying 25 hours a week on top of my job. It’s been worth it though, and I get on well with the people I work for now. As for BMW, I don’t miss it at all!

B Dani, 30
I trained as a doctor but I knew all along it wasn’t right for me. My parents had run their dairy farm for thirty years, and needed a long holiday, so we decided that I’d look after things for six months while they visited my brother in Australia. It gave me the career break I’d been looking for, except that I never went back. Mum and dad have emigrated, so now I’m in charge for good, which is fine by me. At the beginning, I was quite inexperienced, though it felt natural to be back on the farm and didn’t take me long to master everything. I’ve learned to be flexible – to fit in with the weather! Being in the open air is the best thing of all. I’ve just started selling my own cheese and by this time next year, I’ll have launched my own ice cream.

C Sue, 34
I’d never seen myself as academic. Hairdressing seemed glamorous and I wanted a car, so I went to work in a salon as an apprentice. I wasn’t concerned about the poor pay – I had fun! Then, all of a sudden, my husband’s job moved to London. This forced me to reconsider my own life and I decided to take English and Law at night school there. I was spending 45 hours a week cutting hair and working for exams as well. I lost ten kilos in weight, but for all the stress of studying. I knew I was doing the right thing. After leaving college I went into market research. My confidence has always been low and it was three years before I felt I could cope effectively in the role. But it was worth the wait.

D Rachel, 28
I worked for three investment banks in London, earning £60,000 a year in my last job. If I’d added up the hours I spent at my desk, it would have been huge – sometimes I was there until midnight. To begin with, I got a real buzz from the work, helped by the fact that everyone was willing to give me so much responsibility. But eventually, it got to me. At the time, the bank needed to reduce its staff and was offering a good leaving package, so I jumped at it. Now I’m working freelance, editing articles for financial magazines. I’ve set up the spare room as an office and I hope to pick up enough work. People who need certainly and structure would find my new life difficult, but a in all, I feel I’ve made the right decision.

E Eleanor, 25
I’d always loved skating and what I wanted above all was to be an ice dancer. Mum and dad spent a lot of time driving me to classes and I’m so grateful to them for that, not to mention the huge sums they’ve invested in my training. I started competing at 14 and turned professional at 16. I’ve done a lot of great shows, but I chose to hang up my skates long before most ice dancers do. For the last months, I’ve been working for a sportswear firm to gain experience in business and my dream is to set up a company before long, producing costumes for ice dancers.
Which woman:


1.began her studies in a new location?
2. reduced her working hours in order to study?
3.is satisfied with her new lack of routine?
4.took a long time to get on top of the job?
5.had financial support from her parents?
6.would like to start her own business?
7.travelled in her previous job?
8.felt grateful that her employers trusted her?
9.chose to be made redundant?
10.spends a lot of time outdoors?

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26.10.2022 18:13
А) Сэндвич-бары.
Большинство людей в Великобритании работают в офисах. У них нет времени на собственный обед. Вот почему сэндвич-бары настолько популярны. В сэндвич-баре вы можете купить бутерброды, пирожные, безалкогольные напитки, соки и кофе. Затем вы можете съесть свой обед или вернуть его на работу.

B) Рестораны.
Британские люди ходят в рестораны в особых случаях, таких как дни рождения и «юбилеи», или на деловых встречах. Людям нравится посещать всевозможные рестораны. Индийская, китайская, итальянская и мексиканская кухня, все очень популярны. Британская кухня тоже очень вкусная. В блюда обычно входят свежее мясо или рыба с овощами.

С) Магазины рыбы и чипсов.
Магазины рыбы и чипсов - это традиционная еда для еды в Англии. Они подают жареную рыбу, покрытую маслом с жареным картофелем. Людям нравится добавлять соль и уксус, горох, томатный кетчуп или карриный соус. В Великобритании есть тысячи рыбных и чип-магазинов. Местные жители и туристы любят их посещать.

D) Магазины Pie & Mash.
Пирог и пюре - одна из самых традиционных блюд в Британии! Это именно то, что он говорит: мясные пироги с картофельным пюре в соусе из трав. Первый пирог и магазин двести лет назад. Сегодня магазины пирога и пюре очень простые и дешевые места для еды.

Удачи! но с D как то не так
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27.09.2022 00:52
Keeping wild animals in zoos

To begin with today wild animals suffer from many different negative features, that is why many species of them are kept in zoos. But is it good for animals to live in such limited conditions?

First of all people keep wild animals in zoos just to save them from merciless killing. For example, there are some kinds of hawks which are very rare today. That means a lot of poachers want to get rich by selling them. Secondly, people take care of animals, feed them, while in wild life they have to find food themselves. That is one of the advantages of zoos. In addition, living in zoos gives a real opportunity to animals to be protected from other animals. To be more exactly, do not have to defend their territory, to fight against their enemies, to be afraid of a sudden atack. Their life in zoos rather peaceful.

Apart from pluses of keeping animals in zoos, there are some minuses of it. Firstly, zoos are public places, that is why a lot of visitors bother animals. people take photos whith them, feed them, even anger them. All these things whithout doubt affect the animals` life negatively. Moreover, wild animals have no enough space in the cage both to run and jump. Their life is not so meaningful and interesting comparing with life in forests, steppes or jungles. The worst thing about keeping animals in zoos from my point of view is that they can loose their natural instincts and then they become dapendent on people. If we send wild animals back to wild life it will be very difficult for them to survive and what is more there is a little chance to stay alive for a long time.

On the whole, keeping wild animals in zoos is a good opportunity to save them for other generations, however zoos make wild animals rather domestic and tame, that is not so good for them. All in all I think it would be better to make more natural reserves than zoos, because they have much more in common with the wild life.
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