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A. complete the sentences with the following words successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring, scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded, reserve, convenient 1. i don't mind the peace and of the country, but i can't stand feeling . 2. public transport and streets are very important to me. 3. the are stealing things from people's houses. 4. edinburg castle is built on an volcano. 5. the children were scared when they heard the noise coming from the . 6. penny was and the zoo and she hears people screaming. 7. she can the most mysterious crimes and put criminals behind bars. 8. how was your flight? - it was . 9. i'm of spiders. 10. she's a designer. she succeeds in making her own clothes and jewellers. 11. i'd like to a place at your camp. 12. swimming in the pool can be great but also very dangerous, so you must the lifeguards. 13. plushenko e. is the most figure skater in russia. 14. we are using to build nesting boxes. b. choose the correct form 1. you leave expensive items in your car for all to see. a. can't b. shouldn't 2. i watch cartoons when i was six. a. used to b. was used to 3. i drive a car when i was six. a. wasn't use to b. didn't use to 4. they decided to search for treasures they found a map. a. until b. as soon as 5. this is the house he was born. a. which b. where 6. i have seen this film twice. let's watch something else. a. never b. already 7. you to send a deposit in order to reserve your place. a. must b. need 8. she has known him 1996. a. since b. from 9. he has been an actor twenty years. a. last b. for 10. i haven't finished my project . a. just b. yet 11. it's the film i've ever seen. a. funniest b. funnier 12. hvorostovsky d. is one of the opera singer. a. most talented b. more talented 13. he go tho school. he's ill. a. mustn't b. doesn't have to 14. you do it tonight. it's urgent. a. has to b. have to 15. she can't drive, a. isn't she b. can she 16. he didn't go to the party yesterday, a. didn't he b. did he c. put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1. why (he\arrive) so late last monday? 2. (you/ever/explore) a haunted mansion? 3. my parents (cook) breakfast while i (tidy) my room. 4. i (take) the plane tomorrow morning. 5. few minutes later he (decide) to call the police and report about the incident. 6. if you (study) hard, you (pass) your exams successfully. 7. mark (listen) to music until 11 pm last night. 8. i'm sure our life (be) very different in 2050. 9. liza (watch) tv when her father arrived. 10. if i (go) to spain, i (take) lots of amazing photos. 11. she (work) as a teacher for ten years. 12. unless jim pay the electricity bill, it (get) cut off. 13. max (read) a newspaper when he a loud noise in the garden. 14. (people\live) in underwater cities? 15. i (learn) english since 1998. 16.if the weather (be) good, we (go) for a walk. 17. if (invent) new fuel, cars (not\pollute) the air. d. fill in the following sentences behind, off (2), of, with, into, for, forward to, up, out of, back, across, out, away, out with, after 1. if a burglar breaks in, don't put a fight and never run him. 2. he gave smoking last year. 3. my alarm clock went at 7 o'clock. 4. they came this antique book at the market yesterday. 5. he had to stay in hospital for several weeks, so he fell with his lesson. 6. our teacher was very proud her students. 7. we ran bread, so we went to buy some. 8. she is looking her holidays. she is going to spend this summer in italy. 9. he can't cope his problems alone. i suppose he needs psychologist's help and support of his relatives. 10. the new hit of rolling stones is coming next week. 11.suddenly i ran my old friend in the street. 12. it's hot! take your jumper. 13. she is looking a well-paid job in the city, as there is a high level of unemployment in the country. 14. she has fallen max because he lied to her. 15. can you give me my book, please? 16. a burger and fries to take , please.

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16.06.2020 18:11

A. Complete the sentences with the following words.

1. I don't mind the peace and quiet of  the country, but I can't stand feeling isolated .

2. Convenient public transport and crowded streets are very important to me.

3. The burglars are stealing things from people's houses.

4. Edinburg Castle is built on an extinct volcano.

5. The children were scared when they heard the noise coming from the bushes.

6. Penny was in the zoo and suddenly she hears people screaming.

7. She can solve the most mysterious crimes and put criminals behind bars.

8. How was your flight? - It was tiring .

9. I'm scared of spiders.

10. She's a creating designer. She succeeds in making her own clothes and jewellers.

11. I'd like to reserve a place at your camp.

12. Swimming in the pool can be great but also very dangerous, so you must obey

13. Plushenko E. is the most successful figure skater in Russia.

14. We are using a hammer and nails to build nesting boxes.


B. Choose the correct form.


  1. You leave expensive items in your car for all to see.

a. can't             b. shouldn't

 2. I  watch cartoons when I was six.

 a. used to        b. was used to

3. I  drive a car when I was six.

a. wasn't use to               b. didn't use to

  4. They decided to search for treasures they found a map.

a. until                       b. as soon as

  5. This is the house he was born.

a. which                  b. where

  6. I have seen this film twice. Let's  watch something else.

a. never                   b. already

  7. You to send a deposit  in order to reserve your place.

a. must                     b. need

8. She has known him 1996.

a. since                    b. from

9. He has been an actor twenty years.

a. last                   b. for

 10. I haven't finished my project .

a. just                     b. yet

11. It's the film I've ever seen.

a. funniest                  b. funnier

12. Hvorostovsky D. is one of the opera singer.

a. most talented          b. more talented

13. He go tho school. He's ill.

a. mustn't                    b. doesn't have to

14. You do it tonight. It's urgent.

a. has to                        b. have to

15. She can't drive, ?

a. isn't she                     b. can she

16. He didn't go to the party yesterday, ?

a. didn't he                     b. did he


C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.


1. Why did he arrived so late last Monday?

2. Do you ever explore a haunted mansion?

3. My parents cooking breakfast while I tidy my room.

4. I will take the plane tomorrow morning.

5. Few minutes later he decided to call the police and report about the incident.

6. If you study hard, you will pass your exams successfully.

7. Mark listened to music until 11 pm last night.

8. I'm sure our life will be very different in 2050.

9. Liza watching TV when her father arrived.

10. If I go to Spain, I will take lots of amazing photos.

11. She works as a teacher for ten years.

12. Unless Jim pay the electricity bill, it will get cut off.

13. Max reading a newspaper when he heared a loud noise in the garden.

14. Do people live in underwater cities?

15. I learned English since 1998.

16.If the weather will be good, we will go for a walk.

17. If people invent new fuel, cars will not pollute the air.


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