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23.11.2022 17:35 •  Английский язык

A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use. *feel *return *bright *street *spare *contest*attract *raise *strong *experienced *display *make *surprised 1. It was the worst pain I'd ever . 2. Tomorrow's parade will mark the 50th anniversary of the battle. 3. Fireworks have long been a tradition on the Fourth of July in America. 4. She is full of ideas, but they're not very practical. 5. The tennis championship will a lot of tourists to the city. 6. Don’t forget to take a change of clothes with you when you go to your friend’s house for the weekend. 7. She is one of the front-runners in the sports . 8. Everybody was that he passed the exams. 9. Have you ever watched the New Year’s fireworks ? 10. Organizers of the festival hope to enough money to build another playground. B Underline the correct item. 11 The delicious/brightly decorated trees look wonderful at night. 12. Are Rosie and Sue winning/ entering the school’s singing competition this year? 13. Don’t turn up/down this job. It’s a good chance for you. 14. It’s so annoying/annoyed when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive. 15. Please remind/ remember me to call Linda tonight. I forgot to tell her about the costume party on Saturday. 16. The Rio Carnival in Brazil is a(n) annual/monthly festival. 17. Princess Fiona turned into/ off an ogre at night. 18. Zoe always makes a wish before she blows out/lets off the candles on her birthday cake. 19. The Nice Carnival is a winter event which invites/ attracts millions of festival goers to France each year. 20. Her new CD sells like hot cakes/is a piece of cake. C Fill in the correct relative: when, who, which, where, whose. 21. This is the bank was robbed yesterday. 22. A boy sister is in my class was in the cinema at that time. 23. It was the year we got married. 24. The school, I studied, is in the centre of the city. 25. The girl lived next door was very shy and couldn’t say a word to protect herself at school. D Fill in the correct preposition. 26. Don’t tell me you still believe Santa Claus! 27. The beaches were crowded people. 28. This actor is famous his films. 29. My sister is afraid spiders. 30. Everyone was pleased the success of the Arts Festival. E Complete the sentences using the correct present form of the verb. 31. The Prague Spring International Music Festival (start) in the middle of May and (last) for about two weeks. 32. Georgia (have) many fancy dress costumes. Why don’t you borrow one from her for tonight’s party? 33. (Mark/ find) time to buy a costume for the Halloween party yet? 34. What stunning costumes they (wear)! 35. Kate (not/ walk) under a ladder since she heard it was a bad luck. 36. That dress (look) great on Maria; pink is really her colour. 37. Why (you/ smell) this cheese? Is there something wrong with it? 38. The children (play) in the garden all morning; that’s why their clothes are dirty. 39. My brother never (play) April Fool’s jokes on people because he doesn’t want to embarrass them. 40. Janet (think) about taking part in the Mardi Gras parade next week. F Choose the correct response. 41. Oh, no! There is a huge spider in the bath! 42. I’m a bit anxious about something. 43. I found 20 pounds in the street. 44. I didn’t do well in the competition. 45. It’s bad luck to break a mirror. A What’s the matter? B That’s a load of rubbish! C It’s alright. It’s quite harmless. D Better luck next time. E Lucky you!

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15.03.2023 11:29
We're going to go hiking. We decided to go to the mountains, they are the most beautiful and would be great to tell your friends that we have conquered what a mountain.We decided that the Caucasus Mountains fit what we needed.We're going to spend all the holidays, and this is about 2 weeks.Majestic mountains of the Caucasus . They sang about Russian poets. There's a romantic and fun, and useful for health, of course if you do not fall from a height.We will need a tent, pots, can opener, first aid kit, and many more, as well as equipment, but it will give us on the spot.With nature will have to be careful not to throw out anywhere.
перевод:Мы собираемся идти в поход. Мы решили идти в горы, они самые красивые и было бы классно рассказать друзьям, что мы покорили какую нибудь гору.Мы решили, что горы Кавказа подойдут как нельзя кстати.Мы собираемся провести там все каникулы, а это около 2 недель.Горы Кавказа величественные горы. О них воспевали русские поэты. Там очень романтично и классно, и для здоровья полезно, конечно если ты не упадешь с высоты.Нам нужна будет палатка, котелки, консервный нож, аптечка и многое другое, ,а так же снаряжение, но это нам дадут на месте.С природой надо будет быть осторожными и не выкидывать куда попало.
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08.07.2020 15:53
My friends and I gathered in a campaign. Where to go for a long time chosen. Thank sanctions chosen Sochi, a great place to relax. I would like to choose Costa Rica, and Riga will approach, but we had little money.Our trip will last about two weeks. In Sochi, was a lot of attractions. Example: Lazarevsky Recreation Park, and The Dolphinarium (Aquatheatre).To go to Sochi, we needed tickets for the plane. And a lot of summer things that turned out to have very little.In order not to harm nature, we gathered for a garbage and did not touch the animals. 

ПереводМы с друзьями собрались в поход. Куда поехать выбирали очень долго санкциям выбрали Сочи, прекрасное место для отдыха. Я бы хотел выбрать Коста Рику, да и Рига подойдет, но у нас было мало денег. Наша поездка будет длиться около двух недель. В Сочи оказалось много достопримечательностей. Пример: Lazarevsky Recreation Park, или The Dolphinarium (Aquatheatre). Чтобы отправится в Сочи нам понадобились билеты на самолет. И много летних вещей, которых оказалось у нас очень мало. Чтобы не навредить природе мы  собирали за собой мусор, и не трогали животных.
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