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11.10.2020 03:54 •  Английский язык

A) of

B) for

C) to

D) with

E) in

2. Вы сделали много ошибок в вашем диктанте.

A) You made much mistakes in your dictation.

B) You made little mistakes in your dictation.

C) You made a little mistakes in your dictation.

D) You didn’t make many mistakes in your dictation.

E) You made many mistakes in your dictation.

3. There (to be) many people at the concert.

A) will not be

B) won’t

C) be won’t

D) shall not be

E) shan’t be

4. My … working day begins at 8 o’clock.

A) fathers

B) fathers’

C) fathers’s

D) father’s

E) father

5. Take … chair and make yourself at … home; I’ll be back in … minute and we‘ll have … chat.

A) the, the, a, the

B) a, -, a, a

C) a, the, -, -,

D) -, -, the, the

E) an, -, the, a

6. This box is … than that one.

A) more heavy

B) heavyer

C) heavier

D) heavy

E) the heaviest

7. Порядковое числительное образуется не по правилам у числительного:

A) Nine.

B) Twenty.

C) Hundred.

D) Two.

E) Eleven.

8. We are students. These are … books.

A) Our

B) Your

C) His

D) My

E) Ours

9. There are … teachers at our school, and … of them are women.

A) many, many

B) much, many

C) many, much

D) much, much

E) no, much

10. I didn’t see you … the party yesterday.

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) by

E) into

11. There … some flowers in the vase.

A) be

B) am

C) are

D) was

E) is

12. Where the Petrovs ( to live)?

A) Where do the Petrovs live?

B) Where are the Petrovs live?

C) Where does the Petrovs live?

D) Where is the Petrov live?

E) Where Petrov live?

13. … you meet Mr. Brown last week.

A) Shall

B) Do

C) To do

D) Did

E) Will

14. It (to rain) soon.

A) will be rain

B) will been rain

C) shall rain

D) shall be rain

E) will rain

15. When Mother came home, we ( to work ) in the garden.

A) is working

B) was working

C) are working

D) were working

E) will be working

16. He ( to see) her for three months.

A) hasn’t seen

B) haven’t saw

C) haven’t seen

D) will not see

E) hasn’t saw

17. I heard that Mr. Brown

( to leave) Moscow.

A) have left

B) had left

C) leave

D) leaving

E) to leave

18. My uncle ( to write ) poems since childhood.

A) was been writing

B) has been writing

C) have been writing

D) were been writing

E) had been written

19. He (to write) a letter for two hours when I came in.

A) to be writing

B) has been writing

C) have been writing

D) had been writing

E) writing

20. The bags (to take) to the post office yesterday.

A) took

B) take

C) was taken

D) were taken

E) taken

21. I … do it myself, thank you.

A) may

B) must

C) can

D) shall

E) would

22 When we arrived at the cinema the film (to start).

A) had already started

B) is starting

C) have already started

D) starts

E) has already started

23. He told me that he (to be) ill.

A) hasn't been

B) hadn't been

C) wasn't been

D) weren't

E) haven't been

24. Я не ожидал, что это случится так скоро.

A) I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

B) I didn’t expect it happened so soon.

C) I didn’t expected that it happened so soon.

D) I didn’t expect it happen so soon.

E) I didn’t expect it happening so soon.

25. Купив сок и пирожное, мы пошли домой.

A) Have bought some juice and cakes, we went home.

B) Having bought some juice and cakes, we went home.

C) Having bought some juice and cakes, we go home.

D) Had bought some juice and cakes, we went home.

E) Having bought some juice and cakes, we have gone home

26. Я боялся разбудить его.

A) I was afraid from waking him up.

B) I was afraid of waking him up.

C) I was afraid to wake him up.

D) I was afraid to waking him up.

E) I am afraid of waking him up.

27. If the rain (not to stop) there (to be) a flood.

A) don’t stop / are

B) won’t stop / is

C) doesn’t stop / will be

D) doesn’t stop / is

E) not stop / be

28. I wish you (to send) me a letter.

A) would send

B) will send

C) send

D) sent

E) did sent

29 My friend regrets not having entered the university.

A) He wishes he will entered the university.

B) He wishes he will enter the university.

C) He wishes he had enter the university.

D) He wishes he enter the university.

E) He wishes he had entered the university.

30. The safest topic for conversation in England is … .

A) weather

B) work

C) love

D) music

E) politics

Показать ответ
16.01.2020 19:49

One, Two, buckle my shoe,

[wʌn, tuː, ˈbʌkl maɪ ʃuː ],

Three, four, knock at the door,

[ θriː, fɔː, nɒk æt ðə dɔː ],

Five, six, pick up sticks,

[ faɪv, sɪks, pɪk ʌp stɪks ],

Seven, eight, open the gate,

[ˈsɛvn, eɪt, ˈəʊpən ðə geɪt ],

Nine, ten, a big fat hen,

[ naɪn, tɛn, ə bɪg fæt hɛn ],

Eleven, twelve, dig and delve.

[ ɪˈlɛvn, twɛlv, dɪg ænd dɛlv ].

Один, два, пряжку ботинка мне застегни,

Три, четыре, в дверь постучи,

Пять, шесть, ветки собери,

Семь, восемь, открой ворота,

Девять, десять, большая, жирная курица,

Одиннадцать, двенадцать, копай и копай...

0,0(0 оценок)
09.06.2023 19:43
1. Do your parents sleep? - no, they watch TV.
2. What is she doing? - She's sleeping.
3. He eats? - No, he's talking on the phone.
4. Look in ocny! The rain
5.My sister tries on a new dress.
6. What are you reading?
7. He is working on his report.
8. grandpa sits in a chair and listens to the news.
9 Listen! How well she plays the piano!
10. Where do they go? They go to school.
11. What it teaches? She teaches a poem.
12. What children play? - They play football.
13. Why don't you carry his bag?
14. My family sits at the table.
15.What language are they saying now? - in German.
16.Now they are going to train. 
17. Where you in a hurry? - I'm in a hurry.
18. My mom doesn't cook lunch just now.
19. What are you doing? - I cut the vegetables.
20. Who are you talking to? - with his brother.
0,0(0 оценок)
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