Aman, aged 40, was admitted to the n. hospital. he said that he felt a persistent pain in the lumbar region. he stated that he had had tonsillitis about three weeks before and had recently been laid up with the grippe for a week. physical examination showed that the man had a slight oedema of the face. the doctor suspected some kind of kidney trouble. repeated tests of the urine revealed that albumen and blood were present in it which showed that the man was suffering from some kidney disturbance.he received an appropriate treatment and was kept in bed for three weeks. the amount of liquid allowed was strictly limited. gradually the symptoms became less marked. at one of the doctor's examinations the patient stated that the pain in his back had disappeared, and he felt better. he hoped that soon he would be able to resume his work and asked the physician whether he could have a change of diet,but this was not allowed. when the patient was leaving the hospital, he was told that he would have to keep the diet for some time and was advised to avoid animal food and too much salt.
ответьте на вопросы:
1.what troubles you? long have you been sick?
3. does it hurt when i touch you?
4. have you ever had such pains before?
5. have you taken the test of urine?
6. how long have you been here?
Кайда?ыбери правильный ответ:
1) Население Африки относится к европеоидной, негроидной, монголоидной расам
2) В Африке живут только представители негроидной расы
3) Население Африки состоит из монголоидной и негроидной рас
2. На севере Африки в основном живут представители расы:
1) монголоидной 2) негроидной 3) европеоидной
3.Самые высокие народы Африки живут в :
1) в пустынях 2) в джунглях 3) в саваннах
4. Очень темным, почти черным цветом кожи отличаются негроиды:
1) долины Нигера 2) верховьев Нила 3) бассейна Замбези
5. От смешения представителей монголоидной и негроидной рас произошли:
1) малагасийцы 2) эфиопы 3) берберы
6.О каком народе идет речь:
«Они малорослы (ниже 150 м). Цвет кожи менее темный, чем у многих других негроидов, губы тонкие, широкий нос, коренастые. Они - жители лесов, их численность неуклонно падает»
1.Найди НЕправильный ответ:
1) Население Африки относится к европеоидной, негроидной, монголоидной расам
2) В северной Африке живут представители негроидной расы
3) Большинство населения Африки относится к коренному, постоянному населению
2. Большую часть населения южнее Сахары составляют :
1) европеоиды 2) негроиды 3) монголоиды
3. К арабским народам Африки относятся :
1) бушмены и готтентоты 2) берберы и алжирцы 3) нилоты и эфиопы
4. Самые низкорослые люди Африки живут в:
1) экваториальных лесах 2) саваннах 3) полупустынях
5. К промежуточной расе относят:
1) масаев 2) тутси 3) эфиопов
6. О каком народе идет речь:
« Они - жители пустынь и полупустынь Юга. Для них характерны желтовато-коричневый цвет кожи, широкое плоское лицо. Они низкорослы и тонкокостны »
1.There are two armchairs in our living room
Are there two armchairs in our living room?
There aren't two armchairs in our living room
2My flat is on the sixth floor
Is my flat on the sixth floor?
My flat isn't on the sixth floor.
3 There isn't a mirror in his bedroom
There is a mirror in his bedroom
Is there a mirror in his bedroom
4 Are there any paintings in the kitchen?
There are any paintings in the kitchen
There aren't any paintings in the kitchen
5 Their flat has got three rooms
Their flat hasn't got three rooms
Has their flat got three rooms?