On the eve of the main sporting event of the quadrennial year-the London Olympics-let's remember the achievements of Kazakhstani athletes at the Olympic games of our time.
Participation of Kazakhstani athletes in the Olympic games of our time should be divided into two parts – first as part of the USSR national team, and then, after independence, as part of the national team under its national flag.
However, first I want to warn readers – here you will see some discrepancies with the generally accepted data. For example, it is believed that for the first time Kazakhstan took part in the Olympics in 1956, in my opinion – in 1952 (then, by the way, the first medal was won, and not in 1960, as it is believed).
The first Olympic champion-Kazakh in official sources is called the wrestler Zhaksylyk USHKEMPIROV (1980), although in fact this is Alzhan ZHARMUKHAMEDOV (1972). Without detracting from the merits of our outstanding athlete, we just note that Ushkempirov is indeed the first Kazakh Olympic champion who represented Kazakhstan directly. And Kazakh Zharmukhamedov, who became the champion of the Munich Olympics in the Soviet basketball team, then lived in Moscow and played for CSKA. Then we all lived in a single state called the USSR, and it often happened that the best athletes, and not only from Kazakhstan, played for other Union republics. However, in order
I would like to tell you about a sloth whose name is Cloddy. It is a wild animal, which lives in rainforests of South America. It seems that this mammal looks like the slowest animal in the world, but it could be extremely fast if there is any danger. It has thick brown fur and it is a size of a cat. The fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty. Cloddy has a funny mask with a cute smile, but the long claws could look unpleasant. This creature usually hangs on a tree and eats many leaves every day.
В тексте упоминается: название животного - sloth (=ленивец); имя - Cloddy; цвет животного - brown (= коричневый); как выглядит - the slowest animal in the world (= самый ленивый в мире), it could be extremely fast if there is any danger (= может быть очень быстр, если есть какая-либо опасность), it has thick brown fur (= у него толстый коричневый мех), it is a size of a cat (= он размером с кота), the fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty (= мех полон насекомых и иногда очень грязный), a funny mask with a cute smile (= смешная мордочка с милой улыбкой), the long claws could look unpleasant (неприятно могут выглядеть его лапы с когтями).
Olympic games and Kazakhstan
July 17 at 11:35 am
Taufik KARIMOV, a political analyst
On the eve of the main sporting event of the quadrennial year-the London Olympics-let's remember the achievements of Kazakhstani athletes at the Olympic games of our time.
Participation of Kazakhstani athletes in the Olympic games of our time should be divided into two parts – first as part of the USSR national team, and then, after independence, as part of the national team under its national flag.
However, first I want to warn readers – here you will see some discrepancies with the generally accepted data. For example, it is believed that for the first time Kazakhstan took part in the Olympics in 1956, in my opinion – in 1952 (then, by the way, the first medal was won, and not in 1960, as it is believed).
The first Olympic champion-Kazakh in official sources is called the wrestler Zhaksylyk USHKEMPIROV (1980), although in fact this is Alzhan ZHARMUKHAMEDOV (1972). Without detracting from the merits of our outstanding athlete, we just note that Ushkempirov is indeed the first Kazakh Olympic champion who represented Kazakhstan directly. And Kazakh Zharmukhamedov, who became the champion of the Munich Olympics in the Soviet basketball team, then lived in Moscow and played for CSKA. Then we all lived in a single state called the USSR, and it often happened that the best athletes, and not only from Kazakhstan, played for other Union republics. However, in order
История о диком животном на английском языке
About a wild animal
I would like to tell you about a sloth whose name is Cloddy. It is a wild animal, which lives in rainforests of South America. It seems that this mammal looks like the slowest animal in the world, but it could be extremely fast if there is any danger. It has thick brown fur and it is a size of a cat. The fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty. Cloddy has a funny mask with a cute smile, but the long claws could look unpleasant. This creature usually hangs on a tree and eats many leaves every day.
В тексте упоминается: название животного - sloth (=ленивец); имя - Cloddy; цвет животного - brown (= коричневый); как выглядит - the slowest animal in the world (= самый ленивый в мире), it could be extremely fast if there is any danger (= может быть очень быстр, если есть какая-либо опасность), it has thick brown fur (= у него толстый коричневый мех), it is a size of a cat (= он размером с кота), the fur is full of insects and sometimes is quite dirty (= мех полон насекомых и иногда очень грязный), a funny mask with a cute smile (= смешная мордочка с милой улыбкой), the long claws could look unpleasant (неприятно могут выглядеть его лапы с когтями).