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Англ.я яз 8кл Задание №5
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English weather are never the same two day miming.
The most beautiful time in Great Britain the spring and early summer.
The autumn nice season.
The winter have no snow at all sometimes.
The west is warm than other parts of the country.
A most terrible weather is foggy weather.
Sometimes the fog thick and dirty.
At London this are called smog; a mixture smoke and fog.
The English are famous for their tea and weather. The English are always talking about their weather. English weather is never the same two days running.

The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. All the cold winds, the fog and heavy rains have gone. It rains sometimes, it's often cloudy, but not so often as in the winter. It rains quite often during all the year in England. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens.

The autumn is a nice season. The sky is blue and the sun shines all the day. After spring comes short English summer. It's a time of journeys to the seaside to bathe in the sea.

The winter has no snow at all sometimes. But it's not the right statement for the North and Scotland. It's nice time for skating on rivers. The west is warmer than other parts of the country.

It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. They are milkmen, farmers, postmen and policemen. It could be cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon and raining in the evening. One day it's sunny, next day it may be cold, and the next day it may be rainy.

The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. In London this is called smog: a mixture of smoke and fog. Sometimes it's so dark that people can't see the way and cars crawl along slowly with their lights-on.

Everybody in England hates to wake up in the morning and look through the window to see the fog on the street. "Terrible" weather say 20 million Englishmen, when they go to work in the morning.

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17.02.2020 15:18

It seemed we already know everything about the world we live in but still there are some mysteries that we want to reveal.

Loch Ness is the home of probably the world’s most famous monster. People say that from time to time you can see a big monster who they call “Nessie” in this lake. There are some reports about seeing great black humps on the surface of the lake and then their disappearing. The main question is – is it a fact or fiction?

Experts have been discussing that question for years, but in recent times more and more people believe that a whole colony of giant creatures may live in the lake. In 1962 a group of people formed an organization called the Bureau for the Investigation of the Loch Ness Phenomena.

Each summer they invite volunteers who watch the lake. And in 1966, they installed cameras on the banks to prove 'Nessie's' existence. Other people made some photographs on the lake’s surface, but the pictures weren’t good enough to convince anyone, although a film made in 1961 convinced a lot of people that something exists in this lake. The film showed an object twenty-eight metres long, travelling at sixteen kilometers per hour.

People who claim they saw a monster describe it in a very similar way: it has four fins, a tail and it has a length of around eighteen meters.

Some years ago an 18-year old girl from England had a thirty-seven kilometers journey across Loch Ness. It took her thirty hours, some of which she was swimming in the darkness and everyone applauded her for her strength and bravery.

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20.02.2020 05:52
Football is considered to be the most popular sport games in the world. It is my favourite game as well. Together with my dad we are fans of football. We always watch important football matches on TV. At weekends sometimes we go to our stadium to watch the games of local teams.

I know that British people are ardent fans of this game. They even have some Premier League football clubs, such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal.

The rules of football are quite simple. There are eleven players in each team. Every team tries to score as many goals as they can. No one is allowed to use hand while playing, only legs. The goalkeeper on the contrary uses hands to catch the ball.

By its origin it’s an old game. They say that even in China at 400 BC games similar to football were played. Later, it was played in Ancient Egypt and Rome. Today this game is played in more than 140 countries. It is especially popular in some European and Latin American countries. Football is also played in the Olympics. Women’s football is a comparatively new game. Every year Europe houses FIFA Cup competitions and every four years – the World Cup.

My favourite footballers are Ronaldo and Zidan. Unfortunately, Zidan left football several years ago, so now I only fancy Ronaldo’s game.

Футбол считается самым популярным видом спортивных игр в мире. А также это моя любимая игра. Мы вместе с моим папой любители футбола. Мы всегда смотрим важные футбольные матчи по телевизору. В выходные иногда мы ходим на наш стадион, чтобы посмотреть игры местных команд.

Я знаю, что британцы являются ярыми поклонниками этой игры. У них даже есть некоторые футбольные клубы премьер-лиги, такие как Манчестер Юнайтед, Челси и Арсенал.

Правила футбола очень просты. В каждой команде есть одиннадцать игроков. Каждая команда пытается забить так много, как получится голов. Никто не имеет право использовать руки во время игры, только ноги. Вратарь же наоборот использует руки, чтобы поймать мяч.

По своему происхождению это старая игра. Говорят, что даже в Китае в 400 г. до н.э. играли в игры, похожие на футбол. Позже в него играли в Древнем Египте и Риме. Сегодня в эту игру играют более чем в 140 странах. Она особенно популярна в некоторых европейских и латиноамериканских странах. В футбол также играют на Олимпийских играх. Женский футбол является сравнительно новой игрой. Каждый год в Европе проходят соревнования за Кубок FIFA, и раз в четыре года - чемпионат мира.

Мои любимые футболисты Роналдо и Зидан. К сожалению, Зидан покинул футбол несколько лет назад, так что теперь мне только нравится игра Роналдо.
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