АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Задание IV. Выберите правильный вариант. Обратите внимание на формирование времен группы Perfect Active
1. In recent years the pollution problems great publicity.
a) has received; b) will have received; c) have received.
2. Non-political environmental organisation Greenpeace widespread trust and support.
a) have gained; b) had gained; c) has gained.
3. Politicians the problem of global warming until 2010.
a) have solved; b) will not have solved; c) will have not solved.
4. In ten years' time, some wild animals extinct.
a) have become; b) will have; c) will have become.
5. By the year 2050, the temperature of the Earth a few degrees.
a) will be rising; b) will rise; c) will have risen.
6. Do you think people up using cars in 50 years' time?
a) will give; b) have given; c) will have given.
7. By the time the train finally arrived, we for two hours already.
a) have waited; b) will have waited; c) had waited.
8. In the 1960s people on the streets, but not now.
a) would protest; b) had protested; c) have protested.
9. Do you think we a cure for AIDS by the year 2020?
a) will be finding; b) have found; c) will have found.
10. My mother by air.
a) has never travel; b) have never travelled; c) has never travelled.
Том типичный подросток. Когда он не в школе, он играет в футбол, слушает музыку, гуляет с друзьями или делает уроки. Но это не то, что делает Тома типичным подростком в 21 веке. Он, как и многие молодые люди в мире, сегодня это коллективное общение, которое связывает их вместе. Такое коллективное общение обеспечивается социальными сетями, такими как Facebook.
Но что такое Facebook? Это мир обмена сообщениями, постукивания, тегов и обновлений статуса, и это один из самых популярных сетевых сайтов за всю историю. В настоящее время у него более миллиарда активных пользователей по всему миру!
Главной особенностью Facebook является профиль. который представляет собой коллекцию изображений и информации, которую каждый участник загружает и пишет. (3) Далее следует раздел с личной информацией, в том числе ваш вкус к занятиям. музыка, телевидение, книги и фильмы, а также общая коробка интересов и обо мне». Ниже приведена контактная информация, а профиль завершается информацией об образовании и / или профессии.
Аккаунт Facebook может содержать столько информации о вас, сколько вы хотите. Это то, что делает его таким популярным. (4) Это до них.
1. Carefully control your behavior on social networks. Virtuoso scammers are very adept at using personal information with which they can easily crack security codes and gain access to other accounts. Over the past few years, this method of cyberattack has become one of the most common.
2. For the safety of your accounts, restrict access to the inner circle of friends and relatives. Never share personal information with new online friends. Try not to advertise data containing birth dates, email addresses or pet names that can be used as passwords. All this information can be very useful for a professional hacker.
3. Do not use debit cards online. Unauthorized debit card payments are withdrawn directly from your bank account, and even if you report a violation immediately, it will take more than one week to restore the previous balance. In the case of a credit card in a similar situation, when contesting suspicious payments, the client has access to his accounts. Both types of cards have notification functions either by e-mail or in the form of SMS text, which makes it possible to quickly interrupt unauthorized actions. Visa is a leader in security solutions for its credit cards.
4. Beware of messages of this kind: “Attention! Your account has been hacked. You must call to verify your account. Send us a message and we will call you back. ”
5. Do not become a victim of Clickjacking. This type of attack is fraught with hyperlinks under what, at first glance, looks like harmless content. However, clicking the link opens a channel for malware that can invade your computer or transfer your personal information.
6. Do not be reckless in using any Wi-Fi connection. Wi-Fi hotspots are most often unsafe because they do not encode information transmitted on the Internet. Moreover, the tools used by hackers allow them to “peek” over your shoulder and fetch usernames, passwords or other information that provides access to financial accounts. Cellular network in this regard is more secure.
7. In the email messages and on the website, look carefully at the URLs, even if they contain the names of the reputable financial institutions you deal with. The most common catch is a combination of a legitimate website name and fake. These addresses very often lead to mime sites, which under the appearance of a legitimate guise hide affiliation with hacking activities. Sometimes the URL may be genuine, but when you click on the link, it takes you to another site.
8. Never click on messages sent by e-mail and offering to update personal data. In most cases, such requests are triggered after you enter your account via a non-email address.
9. Do not use the same password for different accounts. Choose unusual characters, numbers, and spaces for passwords. As an added precaution, fill out security questions with fictitious, easy-to-remember answers, rather than facts that might reveal your personal information.
10. Install antivirus and antispyware software on your computer. Make sure that these programs work and are updated automatically.