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Answer the questions to the text “Hobbies Let You Turn Free Time into Fun Time, Reduce Stress and Live Longer!”
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1 What are the key questions you may ask yourself to find out the perfect free time activity for you (according to the text)?
2 How can pastime activities influence your lifestyle?
3 Which of the pastime activities on the site would you like to do? Why?
4 How can they make your free time more exciting and interesting?
5 What groups of hobbies are offered/described on the site?

Hobbies Let You Turn Free Time into Fun Time, Reduce Stress and Live Longer!
Yes, that’s right! Hobbies have been shown over and over again to reduce stress levels which as we hear in the news every day causes heart disease and other health problems. Not to mention the problem of deteriorating mental health. Having nothing to do with empty time adds to depression and lack of self worth and all the variations of this problem. Keeping busy can help!
Sounds too good to be true! Find relaxing free time activities and live longer, can it get better than that? I don’t think so! On top of that some of these activities can be turned into a little extra cash. I know what a little extra money does for my mental health!
So, how do we find that perfect free time activity? You might ask. Well, when I look for activities to fill my spare time, I ask myself the following questions:
- Is this something I see myself doing? Does it fit with the other kinds of things I like to do?
- How does it fit the time I have available? Will I be able to spend enough time on the new activity to make it rewarding in some way?
- What is my budget situation? Some pastimes are low cost to start and low cost to keep going. Some are cheap to start but expensive to keep doing. And yet others are expensive to start and costly to maintain. How does my situation fit?
- Do I want to sell my creations? Is this an activity that makes a saleable product?
- Do I have any unique skills or interests that make one hobby preferable over another? Or, do I really want something completely new and different?
The other thing to remember is that you don’t have to stop with only one. For example, right now my free time activities are:
- Stained glass
- Metal crafting
- Copper electroforming
- Woodworking
- Growing succulents
- Making jewelry
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Repairing antique clocks
- Soapmaking
- Fish keeping
- And, in my spare free time I travel in an RV.
I guess my point is that you don’t have to pick only one. It really is ok to be a hobby junkie! Be adventurous and look for several that interest you and then try them all!
This Hobbies and Pastimes encyclopedia is here for your use and enjoyment and to bring you information that will help you find a new pastime or to start your very first one. While I have first hand experience with many of the activities listed, not all. So, if I don’t get something quite right please let me know in kind words so I can improve.
So now, please begin exploring the wonderful world of hobbies. Check back often as I am always adding new content.

The other thing to remember is that you don’t have to stop with only one. For example, right now my free time activities are:
- Stained glass
- Metal crafting
- Copper electroforming
- Woodworking
- Growing succulents
- Making jewelry
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Repairing antique clocks
- Soapmaking
- Fish keeping
- And, in my spare free time I travel in an RV.
I guess my point is that you don’t have to pick only one. It really is ok to be a hobby junkie! Be adventurous and look for several that interest you and then try them all!
This Hobbies and Pastimes encyclopedia is here for your use and enjoyment and to bring you information that will help you find a new pastime or to start your very first one. While I have first hand experience with many of the activities listed, not all. So, if I don’t get something quite right please let me know in kind words so I can improve.
So now, please begin exploring the wonderful world of hobbies. Check back often as I am always adding new content.

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29.05.2022 19:58

Часы пробили шесть и, подметя очаг, Бет подавляла пару шлепанцев к теплому. Так или иначе вид старых ботинок имел хороший эффект на девочек, поскольку Мать приезжала, и все прояснялись, чтобы приветствовать ее. Мэг прекратила читать лекции, и осветила лампу, Эми вышла из мягкого кресла без того, чтобы быть с и Джо забыл, насколько усталый она была то, поскольку она сидела до захвата шлепанцы ближе к пламени. "Они весьма стерты. У Marmee должна быть новая пара." "Я думал, что я получу ее некоторые с моим долларом," сказала Бет. "Нет, я буду!" кричала Эми. "Я являюсь самым старым," начала Мэг, но Джо вмешивался с решительным, "я - человек семьи теперь, Папа далеко, и я обеспечу шлепанцы, поскольку он сказал мне брать специальную заботу о Матери, в то время как он ушел." "Я скажу Вам, что мы сделаем," сказала Бет, "давайте каждый получить ее кое-что для Рождества, и не получите что-нибудь для нас непосредственно."

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29.05.2022 19:58
Eenagers and teenagers` problem

I think there are many teenagers` problems. It makes the life of teenagers difficult. Complex with appearance start developing, depressions begin, teenagers are excited with mockeries of other teenagers. For example, crimes, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, violence are typical for this age. Teenagers often abandon school, so it breaks the teen`s future. Also teenagers are anxious about the treatment to them of other people. They worry if people don`t respect them. The teenager often groups and develops at school. It`s good when teenagers communicate with other classmates, teachers and they get acquainted with other new people. But unfortunately due to mockeries of classmates teens are able to suicide. Many teenagers both boys and girls begin to keep diaries. Where they write all their senses, emotions, dreams, wishes, and secrets. Many teenagers want to keep in a secret that they keep a diary, but many parents want to find their children`s diary.

As I`m also a teenager, I consider, that teenagers should have their personal space where even parents mustn`t interfere.

In spite of the fact that they consider themselves as adults, they are still children who need our help and advice. Low to solve their teen`s problems.

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