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13.03.2023 17:01 •  Английский язык

As Fran Walker, one of the nurses of the Mills Memorial Hospital, was sitting between rounds behind her duty desk, she often recollected her childhood, which would return to her as it had existed in reality '96 bewildering, lonely, and frustrating.Her father, Mr. Walker, had owned a small lumber business' in Sagamore, one of Indiana's numerous smaller towns, where Fran had lived in a large frame house on six acres of unused pasture land'. The first Mrs. Walker had died, when Fran was still a baby, so she did not remember her real mother at all. She remembered her stepmother, though – small, tight-lipped, thin-faced, extremely possessive of her new husband and the new house which had suddenly become her own. Fran had adored her father, tried desperately to please him. And since he desired nothing more than a good relationship between his daughter and his second wife, she had made endless attempts to win over her new mother. But her displays of affection had not been returned. Her stepmother had remained constantly jealous, resentful, without the slightest understanding of the small girl's motives and emotions.Fran felt herself losing out, slipping away into an inferior position. She began to exaggerate – often lie about friends, feelings, grades at school, anything possible to keep herself high in her father's esteem, and at the same time gain some small bit of admiration from her mother. The exaggerations, though, had constantly turned back on her, until eventually a disgusted Mrs. Walker had insisted she be sent away to a nearby summer camp. "They award a badge of honour there," she had said, "and if you win it – not a single untruth all summer – then we'll know you've stopped lying and we'll do something very special for you.""We'll give you a pony," her father had promised.Fran wanted the pony. More than the pony, she wanted to prove herself. After two months of near painful honesty, she finally won the badge of honour, and brought it home clutched tight in her fist, hidden in her pocket while she waited, waited, all the way from the station, all during the tea in the living-room for the exact proper moment to make her announcement of glorious victory."Well?" her mother had said finally. "Well, Fran?""Well – ", Fran began, with the excitement building higher and higher as she drew in her breath and thought of exactly how to say it."You can't hide it any longer, Fran." Her mother had sighed in hopeless resignation. "We know you didn't win it, so there's simply no point in lying about it now."Fran had closed her mouth. She'd stared at her mother, then stood and gone out to the yard and looked across the green meadow where the pony was going to graze. She had taken the green badge from her pocket, fingered it tenderly, then buried it beneath a rock in the garden. She had gone back into the house and said, "No, I didn't win it," and her mother had said, "Well, at least you didn't lie this time," and her father had held her while she'd cried and known finally that there was no further use in trying.Her father had bought her an Irish setter as a consolation prize.NOTES: 1. a lumber business – лесопилка; 2. pasture land – пастбище; 3. to graze – пастись. 2. Post-reading tasks:
Assignment 1. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and use them in the sentences of you own: adore smb, a good relationship, make endless attempts, display of affection, exaggerate, keep oneself high in smb's esteem, eventually, stop lying, do smth special for smb, prove oneself, draw in one's breath, stare at smb, a consolation prize.Assignment 2.Questions on the text:1) Where did Fran Walker spend her childhood?2) What can you say about her parents?3) Describe Fran's stepmother.4) Why did Fran do her best to win her stepmother's affection though she didn't like the woman?5) What was the new mother's attitude towards her stepdaughter?6) What was the reason of Fran's exaggerations? What do you think she said about her friends, school, etc.?7) What way out did Fran's stepmother find to make the girl stop lying?8) Which phrase in the text proves that it wasn't easy for the girl to win the badge?9) Fran was eager to announce her victory, wasn't she? Prove it by the text.10) It was only once that Fran's stepmother believed her. When? Was it of any use?

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28.09.2020 10:20
Чемпионат мира по футболу. каждые четыре года миллиарды зрителей за их национальные сборные принимают участие в кубке мира по футболу. это момент, что все футбольные фанаты с нетерпением ждут. вообще-то чемпионат мира по футболу является, , самым важным спортивным событием в мире. кубок мира был создан в 1930-е годы, когда жюль риме, представителя французского футбола, придумал идею привлечения лучших футбольных команд в мире вместе, чтобы играть друг против друга за звание чемпионов мира. там был большой энтузиазм, за свою идею, и первый кубок мира по футболу был проведен в уругвае в 1930 году. хозяева поля выиграли первый чемпионат мира, когда они обыграли аргентину 4-2. с тех пор, почти двадцать турниров чемпионата мира были сыграны конкурсы часто удивляет поклонников по всему миру. все были поражены, когда сша выиграли у 1: 0 в 1950 1966 кубок мира удивил многих поклонников, когда италия проиграла 1-0 в северной корее и северной ирландии стало для всех неожиданностью, когда они обыграли хозяев со счетом 1: 0 испания 1982 множество легенд, и многие футбольные рекорды также были сделаны во время кубка мира. ирландский 17-летний норман уайтсайд был самым молодым игроком всегда для того чтобы играть в кубке мира, и пеле был самым молодым когда-либо результат в матче и выиграть кубок мира. роналду является лучшим бомбардиром в кубка мира с 15 голами.футбол делается каждые четыре года на чемпионате мира по футболу. каковы бы ни были результаты, чемпионат объединяет людей из всех регионов мира в духе веселья и спортивной.
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18.02.2021 16:41
Hello my dear friend. i'm in england. i will be here for a week. i want to say that there is a very beautiful and unusual. tomorrow i'll go to watch england attractions. this big ben, the albert dock in liverpool, the albert hall, westminster, york cathedral, stonehenge stones. i want a week to see all the sights anglii.zavtra go shopping to buy your souvenirs. you bring english tea, jam and london cap. pope bring cheese blue stilton.mame makeup and a nice dress. and his little sister teddy bear. do not forget to meet me at the airport. do not be sad without me, i'll come soon. bye . 
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