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Русский язык

Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is a large country lying between the
Indian and Pacific Oceans. Australia is an island, like Britain, but unlike Britain it is vast. It is, in fact, nearly
twenty-five times as large as the British Isles. Its area is about 8,000,000 sq. km. The population of Australia is
about 18 mln. Most of Australia is semi-desert. People cannot live where no water is, and so most of people in
Australia live in the richer south-east.
The name Australia is derived from the Latin australis, meaning "southern". The first Australian people
were dark-skinned Aborigines, and though the coming of the white settlers destroyed their tribal lives, some sixty

thousand still survive in Australia today. They are about 1 percent of the population. They may be found in the
island areas of the country. Some live in modern cities but it is not really easy for them. They have to fight for
their rights. The first Europeans to land in this country were Dutch sailors. From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a
place where criminals were sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English.
Historically it was a part of the British Empire and now - a member of a Commonwealth of
Nations. Formally the chief of the state is the British Queen Elizabeth II represented by the Governor
General. The Head of the Government is the Prime Minister.
Australia has six states and two territories: South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, New South
Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. Each state and territory has a
capital city.
The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the capital only in 1927. It is located in the
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in the southeast corner of New South Wales. It is not very large with the
population of about 300,000. It was specially designed and built as a capital. The new Parliament House was
opened in 1988. Canberra is a “natural capital” without industry so the air here is fresh and crisp. Australia’s
national sights and museums are located in Canberra. There are National Gallery, the National Science and
Technology Centre and so on.
Australia is a very urban country. About 70% of the population lives in 10 largest cities.
The oldest and largest is Sydney, the capital of New South Wales. It is leading industrial city. Nearly a
quarter of all Australians live here. It hosted 2000 Olympics. Sydney is surrounded by national parks has a large
zoo, impressive galleries, museums.
Founded in 1835 by pioneers from Tasmania, Melbourne is Australia's second largest city and the capital
of the state of Victoria. Its multicultural population of nearly 3 million comes from succeeding waves of
immigrants. It is a lively, prosperous city with good public transportation, several major universities, and a
growing financial and business district.
Australian climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere and that is why it has
summer when we have winter. January is the hottest month in Australia. Australia is separated from many
countries. The animals in Australia have developed differently. They are interesting. You can see the dingo, a
wild dog that kills other animals at night, the kangaroo and many parrots there. Australia is an industrial country.
It has coal, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia is one of the most important producers of metals and minerals. It
exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar.
Задание 1. Answer the questions.

1. What’s the official name of the country?
2. What’s the capital of Australia?
3. Who were the original inhabitants of the country?
4. Where is Australia situated?
5. How many people live there?
6. Who’s the head of the state?
7. Canberra was specially designed and built as a capital, wasn’t it?
8. What city is the largest in Australia, Sydney or Melbourne?
9. Why does Australia have summer when we have winter?
10. What animals can you meet in Australia?
11. Why do you think the Aboriginal people lost their land?
12. Where else have white people taken land from the original inhabitants?

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26.09.2020 02:53

Ilya Muromets fights for his homeland. He isn't a guarder who is hired, he is a Motherland defender, although he does all his job by himself.

He is strong, courageous, manly. He never lets someone in trouble. He is clever, kind and friendly. Ilya Muromets is ready to give his life for the righteous cause. He is Russian; he is fair-haired and blue-eyed.

He is a soldier and he was dedicated by elders. He makes ordinary people's dream come true and their dream is to live in peace. So Ilya Muromets puts all his efforts into clearing his homeland from villains, enemies and bad people who want to occupy his Motherland and break the peace amongst ordinary people.



Илья Муромец.  

Илья Муромец воюет за его Родину. Он не охранник, которого нанимают, он защитник своего Родины, хоть и действует сам по себе.

Он сильный, мужественный, отважный. Он никогда никого не даст в беду. Он умный, добрый и дружелюбный. Илья Муромец готов отдать свою жизнь за правое дело. Он русский; у него светлые волосы и голубые глаза.

Илья Муромец — воин и он был посвящён старцами. Он воплощает мечту простых людей — жить в мире. Так что Илья Муромец прилагает все усилия, изгоняя из его Родины злодеев и врагов, которые хотят захватить его Родину, его землю-матушку и нарушить мир среди простых людей.


0,0(0 оценок)
08.01.2021 07:01
1) Alice does her flat herself. Scarlet has her flat done.
2) Alice makes her own clothes. Scarlet has her clothes made.
3) Alice plants flowers in her garden. Scarlet has her flowers planted.
4) Alice paints her house herself. Scarlet has her house painted.
5) Alice repairs her car herself. Scarlet has her car repaired.
6) Alice cleans the windows herself. Scarlet has her windows cleaned.
7) Alice washes her linen herself. Scarlet has her linen washed.
8) Alice always does her hair herself. Scarlet has her hair done.
0,0(0 оценок)
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