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Часть 1. Which is right? Complete the sentences.
1. This book is about … United States of … America.
a) -, the b) the, - c) the, the
2. I like … the sun shines.
a) it b) when c) it when
3. Nobody … it when the wind blows.
a) like b) likes c) doesn’t like
4. We met them when we … at the bus stop.
a) stood b) was standing c) were standing
5. … always cold there.
a) It are b) It is c) There is
6. What were you doing, when the teacher … in?
a) came b) come c) was coming
7. It is a very … museum.
a) interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting
8. I think the party … fun.
a) will b) will be c) be
9. She always speaks … to everybody.
a) polite b) politely c) more polite
10. He is from Africa. He … never … snow.
a) has ..seen b) is … seeing b) did … see
11. If she asks him about it, he … her the truth.
a) tell b) told c) will tell
12. They have already been … Omsk.
a) to b) in c) from
13. … Volga is … beautiful river, isn’t it?
a) The, a b) -, the c) The, -
14. If she had lived near the river, he … swimming every day.
a) would go b) has gone c) would have gone
15. I hope he … walk in two months.
a) must b) will be able to c) may
16. He didn’t want to play the game, he had … it already.
a) play b) played c) playing
17. Mr Brown … a teacher since 1995.
a) is b) was c) has been
18. You can visit … any time you want.
a) we b) us c) our
19. I can’t find my book. … can it be?
a) Whatever b) Whenever c) Wherever
20. She didn’t say a word to … .
a) anybody b) somebody c) nobody

Часть2. Read the story and choose the correct word in each of the following sentences.

Isaac Newton is one of the (1) … men in the history of science. He was (2) … in a small village in England. His father, a poor farmer, died when Isaac was only 14. The family suffered from a (3) … money.
Newton was fond of (4) … and mathematics. He (5) … in his studies and entered Cambridge University after school. Isaac was (6) … and hardworking. He believed in science and (7) … ideas.

1. a) great b) greatest
2. a) born b) famous
3. a) lack of b) make plans
4. a) poet b) poetry
5. a) threatened b) succeeded
6. a) patient b) patience
7. a) was jealous of b) was full of

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15.10.2020 07:03

Часть 1. Which is right? Complete the sentences.

1. This book is about … United States of … America. b) the, -

a) -, the b) the, - c) the, the

2. I like … the sun shines. c) it when

a) it b) when c) it when

3. Nobody … it when the wind blows. b) likes

a) like b) likes c) doesn’t like

4. We met them when we … at the bus stop.  c) were standing

a) stood b) was standing c) were standing

5. … always cold there. b) It is

a) It are b) It is c) There is

6. What were you doing, when the teacher … in? a) came

a) came b) come c) was coming

7. It is a very … museum. a) interesting

a) interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting

8. I think the party … fun. b) will be

a) will b) will be c) be

9. She always speaks … to everybody. b) politely

a) polite b) politely c) more polite

10. He is from Africa. He … never … snow. a) has ..seen

a) has ..seen b) is … seeing b) did … see

11. If she asks him about it, he … her the truth. c) will tell

a) tell b) told c) will tell

12. They have already been … Omsk. a) to

a) to b) in c) from

13. … Volga is … beautiful river, isn’t it? a) The, a

a) The, a b) -, the c) The, -

14. If she had lived near the river, he … swimming every day. c) would have gone

a) would go b) has gone c) would have gone

15. I hope he … walk in two months.  b) will be able to

a) must b) will be able to c) may

16. He didn’t want to play the game, he had … it already.  b) played

a) play b) played c) playing

17. Mr Brown … a teacher since 1995. c) has been

a) is b) was c) has been

18. You can visit … any time you want. b) us

a) we b) us c) our

19. I can’t find my book. … can it be? c) Wherever

a) Whatever b) Whenever c) Wherever

20. She didn’t say a word to … . a) anybody

a) anybody b) somebody c) nobody

Часть2. Read the story and choose the correct word in each of the following sentences.

Isaac Newton is one of the (1) b) greatest… men in the history of science. He was (2) a) born … in a small village in England. His father, a poor farmer, died when Isaac was only 14. The family suffered from a (3) a) lack… money. Newton was fond of (4) b) poetry… and mathematics. He (5) b) succeeded… in his studies and entered Cambridge University after school. Isaac was (6)  a) patient… and hardworking. He believed in science and (7) b) was full of… ideas.

1. a) great b) greatest

2. a) born b) famous

3. a) lack of b) make plans

4. a) poet b) poetry

5. a) threatened b) succeeded

6. a) patient b) patience

7. a) was jealous of b) was full of

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