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22.10.2021 23:32 •  Английский язык

Choose the best phrasal verb to complete the sentence.
1) Hey, would you like to come next Thursday?
a) through b) over c) round
2) I was out very late last night and didn’t get until 4am.
a) in b) by c) back
3) Maria has never fit with the crowd. She has always been a rebel.
a) on b) in c) to
4) She fainted, but then she came about 5 minutes later.
a) to b) about c) back
5) I’m sorry it didn’t work .
a) out b) on c) up
6) You have to come a better excuse than that.
a) around to b) up with c) through with
7) I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to turn your offer.
a) down b) off c) out
8) After Bill was fired, John took his position.
a) over b) out c) up
9) He tried to have two jobs at the same time, and ended having none.
a) around b) up c) in
10) You can’t get taking this test.
a) by b) around c) on

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04.04.2021 19:26

Напишу сочинение в форме высказываний по плану. 

1. What is the role of books in our life? 

To begin with, that the educated person must read a lot to be an interesting conversationalist. A person who doesn't know the literature of his or her people, isn't interesting and pathetic. Nowadays  computer replaces books and even a theater. But people still continue to read and watch the performances. Cultured man realizes that ignorance decorates nobody. My parents still visit a library, although there are a lot of books in our house. They read a lot and taught me to love reading. 

Какова роль книг в нашей жизни? Начну с того, что образованный человек должен много читать, чтобы  быть интересным собеседником. Человек, который не знает литературы своего народа, не интересен и вызывает жалость. В наши дни компьютер заменил нам книги и театр. Но люди все равно продолжают читать и смотреть спектакли. Культурный человек понимает, что невежество никого не украшает. Мои родители до сих пор посещают библиотеку, хотя очень много книг в нашем доме. Они читают много и научили меня любить чтение.

2. What genres of literature do you know? 

There are many genres of literature. The most famous gendre is detective literature, which is very popular in our country. Science-fiction books and articles are used by teachers and students, scientists and politicians. Lirics, prose and poetry are studied at schools and different institutes. Women like to read poetry. Historical works are read by people who are interested in the past of our planet. Fiction is popular among young people. For example, I hate fiction.
Какие жанры литературы вы знаете? Существует очень много   жанров литературы. Самые известные это детективы, которые очень популярны в нашей стране. Научно-популярные книги и статьи используются учителями и студентами, учеными и политиками. Лирика, проза и поэзия изучается в школе или институте. Женщины любят читать стихи. Исторические произведения читаются людьми, которые интересуются нашей планеты. Научная фантастика популярна среди молодежи. Я, например, ненавижу фантастику.

3. Are you interested in reading?  

I love reading. I began to read, when I was only 4. Now I read everything, that comes across me. I read verses and prose, newspaper articles and articles in magazines. There are a lot of books in my house and I have already read them all.
Вы заинтересованы в чтении?  Я люблю чтение. Я начала читать, когда мне было всего 4. С тех пор я читаю все, что мне попадается на пути. Я читаю стихи и прозу, газетные статьи и статьи в журналах. В моем доме очень много книг, и я прочитал все.

4. What kinds of stories do you enjoy most? 

Most of all I like detective stories and novels. I like to investigate crimes together with an author. I like to predict events in a novel and I'm very glad, when my predictions come true. Unique, whatever I never read, it is fantasy. I hate it and does not understand.
Больше всего мне нравятся детективные истории и романы. Мне очень нравится вместе с автором расследовать преступления. Я люблю предсказывать события в романе и очень радуюсь, когда мои предсказания сбываются. Единственное, что я никогда не читаю, это фантастика. Я ее ненавижу и не понимаю.

5) Do you have a favourite book and for a favourite author? 

My favourite children's book is about Winnie the Pooh and his friends written by Alan Alexander Miln. It is so merry to travel together with the heroes of this glad fairy-tale. Winnie the Pooh is very kind and reliable friend, though a bit cunning. He always gets in funny situations and his life is full of adventures.

Есть ли у вас любимая книга и для любимого автора? Моя любимая детская книга про Винни Пуха и его друзей. Это так весело путешествовать вместе с героями этой радостной сказки. Винни Пух очень добрый и надежный друг, хотя и немного хитрый. Он всегда попадает в какие-нибудь смешные ситуации и его жизнь полна приключений.

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25.04.2020 00:19
                                                           Диалог 1
1 pupil: What holiday do children in your country like best of all?
2 pupil: New Year, I think.  

1 pupil: Do you have any New Year traditions?
2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is decorating the New Year tree.  

1 pupil: Did you parents buy a New Year tree last year?
2 pupil: Yes, they did. And we were decorating is together all evening. And did you have a New Year party at school last year?  

1 pupil: We had a Christmas party. It was a wonderful party. We were dancing all evening.      

Диалог 2

1 pupil: What holiday is your number one spring holiday?
2 pupil:  I like Easter best 

1 pupil: Do you have any Easter traditions?
2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is colouring eggs.  

1 pupil: Did you help your mum to colour eggs last year?
2 pupil: Yes , I did. we were doing it together all evening. And did your parents hide chocolate eggs in the yard last Easter?  

1 pupil: Yes, they did. my sister and I were looking for them all morning.
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