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03.11.2020 13:52 •  Английский язык

Чтение Reading You are going to read the story "Johnny Appleseed": Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-1 for each part 1-8 of the story. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Вы прочитаете рассказ "Джонни Эплсид". Выберите са- мое подходящее заглавие из списка А- для каждой части 1—8 этого рассказа и запишите его в рамочку. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Есть одно лишнее заглавие, кото рое вам не надо использовать. Johnny Appleseed
1. Who was Johnny Appleseed? Was he just in stories? No, Johnny was a real person. His name was John Chapman. He planted apple trees - lots and lots of them. So people called him Johnny Appleseed.
2. Johnny was young when our country was young. Back then many people were moving West. There were no towns, no schools, not even many houses. And there were no apple trees. None at all. Johnny was going West, too. He wanted to plant apple trees. He wanted to make the West a nicer place to live,
3. So Johnny got a big, big bag. He filled it with apple seeds. Then he set out. Johnny walked for days and weeks. On and on. Soon his clothes were rags. His feet were bare. And what kind of hat did he wear? A cook ing pot! That way he didn't have to carry it. 4. Snow came. Did Johnny stop? No. He made snowshoes. Then he walked some more. Spring came. Johnny was out West now. He stopped by a river. He dug a hole. Inside he put an apple seed. Then he covered it with dirt. Someday an apple tree would stand here.
5. Johnny set out again. He by himself. But he was not alone. The animals were his friends. Most people were afraid of wild animals. They had guns to shoot them. But not Johnny. One day a big black bear saw Johnny go by. It did not hurt Johnny. Maybe the bear knew Johnny was a friend. had lots more seeds to plant. Johnny walked and look up. The wind blew softly. Owls hooted. The stars winked
6. The Indians were Johnny's friends, too. They showed him how to find good food - berries and Where did Johnny sleep? plants, and roots. Under the stars. Johnny liked to lie on his back down at him.

7. Many years passed. Johnny planted apple trees everywhere. People started to call him Johnny Appleseed. One day he came back to where he had planted the first seed. It was a big tree now. A girl was swinging Johnny stayed with the girl's family. He told stories. Everybody liked Johnny. "Stay with us," in it. That night they said. "Make a home do," he said. "I am happy. The whole world is my home. here." But Johnny did not stay. "I have work to
8. More and more people came out West. Johnny planted more and more trees. In the spring, the trees bloomed with while flowers. In the fall, there were apples - red; round, ripe apples. People made apple pies. And apple butter for their bread. And apple cider to drink. And children had apple trees to climb. It was all thanks to Johnny Appleseed. A. The first seed in the West B. Days and nights C. To make the country nice D. He could not stop his work E. A strange hat F. Dangerous way G. Dreams came true H. A funny nickname
Выберите са мое подходящее заглавие из списка для каждой части 1—8 этого рассказа и запишите его в рамочку. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Есть одно лишнее заглавие, кото рое вам не надо использовать, Johnny Appleseed

1. Who was Johnny Appleseed? Was he just in stories? No, Johnny was a real person. His name was John Chapman. He planted apple trees - lots and lots of them. So people called him Johnny Appleseed. 2. Johnny was young when our country was young. Back then many people were moving West. There were no towns, no schools, not even many houses. And there were no apple trees. None at all. Johnny was going West, too. He wanted to plant apple trees. He wanted to make the West a nicer place to live. 3. got a big, big bag. He filled it with apple seeds. Then he So Johnny set out. Johnny walked for days and weeks. On and on. Soon his clothes were rags. His feet were bare. And what kind of hat did he wear? A cook ing pot! That way he didn't have to carry it. 4. Snow came. Did Johnny stop? No. He made snowshoes. Then he walked some more. Spring came. Johnny was out West now. He stopped by a river. He dug a hole. Inside he put an apple seed. Then he covered it with dirt. Someday an apple tree would stand here.

Чтение Reading You are going to read the story Johnny Appleseed: Choose the most suitable heading

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11.09.2020 21:02
Вот как смогла☺️

Today we are preparing for Thanksgiving - it is always the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is a kind of harvest festival. This is a very old tradition in the USA. Families always spend the day together, so tonight my older sister is returning from college. Now dad is decorating the house and mom is making pumpkin pie. Tomorrow we'll have a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner with roast turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. And tomorrow afternoon we visit our cousins to give them presents. here in the USA. Did you know that people eat 46 million turkeys every Thanksgiving?
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11.09.2020 21:02

This folk tale is about grandfather and grandmother, who formed round creature Kolobok from dough. He runs away and meets different animals starting with hare and ending with fox. Kolobok managed to pass through animals because he sang to them. At the end of the tale he meets the fox and she eats Kolobok, because he is not careful. To my mind, the text teaches people to be always careful, even if everything around you is okay. You shouldn’t’t lose your mind because of success.


Эта народная сказка о дедушке и бабушке, которые создали круглое существо Колобок из теста. Он убегает и встречает разных животных, начиная с зайца и заканчивая лисой. Колобку удалось пройти через животных, потому что он пел им. В конце рассказа он встречает лису, и она съедает Колобка, потому что он неосторожен. На мой взгляд, текст учит людей быть всегда осторожными, даже если все вокруг вас в порядке. Вы не должны забываться из-за успеха

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