«Что я ел вчера». Напишите о том, что вы хотели бы иметь на завтрак, обед и ужин (не менее 3 предложений для каждого), используя Present Simple. Затем напишите, что вы съели на завтрак, обед и ужин вчера (минимум 3 предложения для каждого) с использованием Past Simple. Включите информацию о еде и напитках и их порциях. Используйте активный словарь курса и количественные показатели.
-Hi !I am well.What is the news?
-These days i am finishing school.
-Really?That is cool!What are you going to do after school?
-To be honest i would like to travel around the world aand meet new people.
-I see.Maybe you should save money for education?
-Yes of course.I totolly agree with you.
-Are you going to improve yor language scills?
-Yes.In my point of view language gives an opportunity to be more independent.
-That is right.Do you want to see new cultures and life styles?
-Yes i think it is a great idea.
-I hope yor dreams will come true in the nearest future.
-Thank you!Good luck!
2 It is situated on the Potomac river in the Disctrict of Columbia.
3 The population of the country is more than 324 million.
4 All states are famous in some sort of way.
5 Florida is famous for white and sandy beaches,DisneyWorld, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, NASA,St. Augustine.
6 Florida is located in the southeastern of the United States.
7 Florida became a part of the United States in 1845.
8 Its nickname is Sagebrush State.
9 It was opened in California.