All around the world there are many natural habitats that are 1) in danger of disappearing. 2) When a habitat becomes endangered, the plants and animals that make their homes there are also endangered. People destroy wild places everywhere. Why? Simply 3) because there are too many of us! We need room for houses, clean water and large areas for building factories. Sounds selfish, doesn't it? It does, but 4) there are ways you can help. Firstly, find out if there are any organisations in your area that try 5) to protect natural natural habitats and get involved. Or, if you really don't have enough time to join one 6) of these organisations, why not donate some money to help them with 7) their cause? Finally, you could write a letter to your mayor or MP protesting that a natural habitat in 8) your area is endangered and needs protection. You can even start a petition, get all your friends and neighbours to sign it and then give it to your local council. Don't forget - we can all do something to help.
-Доброго дня, Тетяна Іванівна!
-Доброго дня, Сидоров.Ти такий дорослий!
-Як ваши справи, учні гарно навчаються?
-Дмитрику, ти ж знаєш, ніхто не бажає зараз вчитися.Всім треба все й одразу.
-Я теж не хотів вчити українську, а зараз завжди про вас думаю, коли мені треба документи українською написати.
-То як, правильно пишеш?
-Так, мені всі наші менеджери заздрять.Ніхто так не вміє,як я.Дякувати вам, Тетяно Іванівно.
-Нема за що.Скоро буду твого сина Петрика навчати.
-Так, так.
-До побачення, Дмитрик.
-До побачення.