Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world. Some scientists think that the world is becomming hotter. If you compare Moscow winter and summer temperatures at the beginning of our century and at its end you will see that climate has really changed. Winters have become warmer. Sometimes there is little snow in January, and there were winters when it rained on the New Year's Eve. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect. During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer.
Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide! As we see the climate in different parts of the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our planet, which needs protection. Earth is millions of years old, much older than the humans. We know many of its secrets. Yet there is still much to learn.
1. Во к практическому занятию
ответить письменно
1. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays?
2. They say there’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes. What do you think about it?
3. Is it difficult to forecast weather?
4. Do you think that the climate really becoming hotter?
One day, Fred's family was sitting at a family dinner. Mom served fish and potatoes on the table. Fred and his sister ate quickly. The boy really liked it. He quickly finished everything, smacking his lips. When Fred's plate was empty, he saw a portion of Dad who did not notice anything while talking to Mom. Fred put his father's potatoes on his plate without being noticed. Only my sister found out the loss with a laugh. And when the last piece of potatoes disappeared in Fred's mouth, dad wanted to try the food, but he looked at his plate in surprise. Only Fred and his sisters drove to lunch laughing
Однажды, семья Фреда сидела за семейным обедом. Мама подала на стол рыбу с картофелем. Фред и его сестра быстро принялись за еду. Мальчику очень понравилось. Он быстро доел все чмокая губами. Когда тарелка Фреда опустела, он увидел порцию папы который ничего не замечал, разговаривая с мамой. Фред переложил картофель отца к себе на тарелку оставаясь не замеченным. Только сестра посмеиваясь обнаружила пропажу. И вот когда во рту Фреда исчезал последний кусочек картофеля, папа захотел попробовать еду, но удивлённо смотрел на свою тарелку. Только Фред и его сестра хохоча доедали свой обед.
-это то, что можно наблюдать с органов чувств (sense organs), включая зрение, слух, обоняние, вкус и прикосновение. Существуют несколько
типов явлений. Такие явления, как гравитация или биологические процессы, происходят без какого-либо участия человека.
Есть явления, которые существуют в результате действий групп людей, например, социального взаимодействия. Явления, которые наблюдаются в человеческих психических и эмоциональных реакциях, называются психическими (mental phenomena)
Одним из примеров этого является
дежавю - ощущение, что человек уже переживал нынешнюю ситуацию раньше.
Наконец, существуют
явления, которые включают в себя оптические иллюзии.