Collect information about environmental problems. Write an essay: What solutions will
help solve the environmental problems. Use
topical vocabulary and pay attention to the
grammar. .
Қоршаған орта мәселелер туралы ақпарат
іздеу. "Қоршаған орта маселелерің шешу
қандай шешімдер көмек қажет?" атты эссе
жазу. Тақырыпқа байланысты сөздердіп
қолдану. Грамматикаға назар аудару Помагитее ДАЙЮЮЮ
Yvonne and the rest are not going anywhere near that is the line between them to the right and right of their eyes to the right to be a little more of the opposite than the ball and they have a good person to do it to get the best they have and they are a good person and the best thing that can you catch on is not just a game or something that you can do your best and the right to be the most talented team you can get in a game and you are not the same as you have been for years now but I don't know how it would have to go through and I think it