Companies in the (1 – high) competitive electronics industry are discovering something (2 – surprise) and curious: brands matter almost as much as exciting new technology. This has been (3 – clear) demonstrated by Samsung Electronics, which made a (4 – dramatic) new entry into the (5 – particular) difficult digital market. Once best known for microwave ovens, it has transformed itself into a (6 – real, cool) brand and it (7 –success) selling (8 – style) flat –screen TVs, digital cameras and mobile phones. Their sales figures have done (9 –increase, good) and they are positioned to beat Nokia as the second biggest manufacturer of mobile phones. Samsung has proved that a combination of clever- brand building and (10 – good, design) products can work miracles. They have understood that a brand without good products will lose popularity (11 – incredible, rapid), but the (12 – amazing) thing is that the opposite is also true. The market is (13 – crowd) with firms with a few great products, but weak brands. To succeed and grow as (14 –fast) as Samsung has requires a strong brand, as well as (15 – true, innovative) products.
Увы, в нашем мире большинство людей склонны к эгоизму, и это качество зачастую мешает вовремя прийти на выручку, протянуть руку или даже просто выслушать. Известно, что люди часто сторонятся неудачников, подсознательно опасаясь перенять их невезучесть. И если друг велением воли попадает в сплошную полосу сменяющихся неудач, довольно трудно в таком положении найти искреннее понимание и готовность хотя бы советом и дружеским сопереживанием. Лишь истинный друг всегда окажется рядом и, вопреки молве, подаст руку и не предаст остракизму того, кому не повезло в жизни
Tunneling electrons don't change the gate's electronic charge in "a flash". False
NAND flash reads and writes chaotically at high speed handling data in small blocks called pages. False
Moving many small files could further upgrade transfer rates. True
USB drives encapsulate flash with a memory controller in a bog package, offering high capacity, quick transfer rates, flexibility and much convenience. False
Memory cards have evolved from the match book-size Compact Flash cards introduced in 1994. True
Solid state drives, the newest flash memory application can replace a computer's flash memory drive. True
Traditional hard drives currently offer greater capacity but for a higher price. False
Flash memory is usually inside your smartphone, but outside GPS, mP3 player and other devices. False
Solid state drives using flash memory don't always replace hard drives in netbooks and PC's. False