Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the correct form, present or past: cause damage make overtake
find hold own send
injure invite show surround
1 Manyaccidents are caused bycareless driving 2 Cheese from milk 3 building, 4 is a place where films 5 This plant is very rare, T Although we were driving fast, we B the US, elections for president 9 There was an accident last night, but fortunately nobody 10 You can't see the house from the road, It 11 never received the letter, 12 The work for
to the party. Why didn't you go?
In a storm a few days ago,
very places
by a lot of other cars every years.
bytrees. to the wrong address
by much larger company.
42.1 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.
1 Ask about glass. (how / make?) 2 Ask about television. (when / invent?) When 3 Ask about mountains, / form? 4 Ask about DNA, (when / discover?) 5 silver, (what /use for?)))
How is glass made?
Майкл Фарадей - один из великих ученых в истории человечества в области электричества. Он родился в маленькой деревне вблизи Лондона 11 сентября 1 791 года в бедной семье. Его семья жила впроголодь. В возрасте 13 лет Майкл пошел работать в переплетный магазин, потому что не получил образования. Некоторые научные работы и статьи, которые через его руки, возбудили интерес к науке, и он начал читать. Спустя некоторое время Майкл стал учеником великого ученого того времени, сэра Хамфри Дэйви. Мальчик сопровождал Дэйви в поездках по Европе. Образовательная ценность этих поездок была велика. Фарадей встретил Ампера, одного из выдающихся ученых, который уже сделал себе имя в истории электричества.
Today almost all the electricity we use generated by great machines with magnets in them, but in those days no one knew how to it. That's why the English scientist danced with delight on his table when he got what he wanted by moving the magnet near wire. This was a great moment in the history of man's electrical experiments. But Faraday didn't stop at this.