Complete the sentences using all or both: 1. ___ the people in the room were silent
2. ___ of patients are in the ward.
3. They are ___ good doctors
4. ___ of the nurses are wearing gowns
5. ___ of those patients didn't pass the test.
6. Have you visited dentist or occulist this week? I haven’t visited ___ cause I was busy.
7. Her parents are ___ retired doctors
8. ___ nurse must care of her (his) patients
Exercise III.Correct the sentences.
Образец: Fever is the fall of the body temperature below normal.
This is wrong Fever is not the fall of the body temperature below normal. Fever is the rise of the body temperature above normal.
1. The symptoms of high temperature are: a pale face, slow pulse and a good appetite.
2. A feverish person must go for a walk.
3. During the fever the patient needs warmth (тепло).