Advantages and disadvantages of homework. Firstly, I'd like to tell you about advantages. Doing homework after school is completely useful activity, because it promotes to fastening material of today's lessons. If you didn't do your homework your teachers and parents would be angry about it, so, I think that every student should doing homework everyday. Then, now I want to tell about disadvantages. Sometimes, teachers asked too many and hard homework for one day, so, students can't do all their homework in time and became very tired.
1. Кто был главным героем фильма? 2. Почему у Джека была длинная тяжелая поездка в горах? 3. Почему эта поездка была очень тяжелой для людей? 4. Как ребенок Белого Клыка пытался изучить новый мир без матери? 5. Какой была первая встреча Джека и волк в индейском племени? 6. Какое плохое приключение должен был пройти волк, прежде чем он нашел чистого хозяина? 7. Как Джек уберег от смерти Белого клыка? 8. Мог ли волк сначала доверять мальчику? Почему? 9. Почему волк счастлив с Джеком? 10. Они стали большими друзьями? Почему?
Firstly, I'd like to tell you about advantages. Doing homework after school is completely useful activity, because it promotes to fastening material of today's lessons. If you didn't do your homework your teachers and parents would be angry about it, so, I think that every student should doing homework everyday.
Then, now I want to tell about disadvantages. Sometimes, teachers asked too many and hard homework for one day, so, students can't do all their homework in time and became very tired.