This story about my adventure. This summer I decided to visit Australia. I will say right away that it was very difficult for me to talk to people. Because around 200 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia. Besides the English speaking people, there were also Italians, Greeks, Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
The first surprise for me when I go to the score. Kangaroo meat can be bought in supermarkets, from butchers and ordered in a restaurant. Kenguryat is considered a healthier alternative to beef or lamb. I didn’t dare to try Kangaroo meat, because it was unusual to eat like that. The next surprise for me was that most Australians are a lot overweight. Although as far as I know they are very fond of sports.
I spent seven days in Australia, but it was incredibly interesting for me to see their country with my own eyes. I would love to go back there again. Incredibly beautiful views, friendly people and a very interesting culture captivated me.
Україна має велику історію і багату
Тому в нас багато визначних пам’я
Цілком природно, що столиця краї
ни, Київ, нараховує найбільшу кіль
кість визначних пам’яток.
Це — одне з найстаріших міст Європи.
З давніх часів Київ був центром сло
в’янської культури.
У місті багато стародавніх соборів
і церков, музеїв і пам’ятників, чудо
вих вулиць і скверів.
Головна вулиця Києва, звичайно,
Якщо ви ніколи не були в Києві, вам
слід починати огляд визначних пам’я
ток звідси.
Вулиця довжиною усього один кіло
метр, але дуже вражаюча.
Київ відомий Києво-Печерською
Більше 80 будинків було зведено на
її території за дев’ятсот років існу
вання монастиря.
Туристи завжди приходять подиви
тися на пам’ятник Богданові
Хмельницькому, відомому
українському державному діячеві
і воєначальнику.
This story about my adventure. This summer I decided to visit Australia. I will say right away that it was very difficult for me to talk to people. Because around 200 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia. Besides the English speaking people, there were also Italians, Greeks, Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
The first surprise for me when I go to the score. Kangaroo meat can be bought in supermarkets, from butchers and ordered in a restaurant. Kenguryat is considered a healthier alternative to beef or lamb. I didn’t dare to try Kangaroo meat, because it was unusual to eat like that. The next surprise for me was that most Australians are a lot overweight. Although as far as I know they are very fond of sports.
I spent seven days in Australia, but it was incredibly interesting for me to see their country with my own eyes. I would love to go back there again. Incredibly beautiful views, friendly people and a very interesting culture captivated me.