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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box. There are two extra words. board converse electric intense invent nation network profession swim time
Priti is a really good swimmer.
There wasn’t any in homes 200 years ago.
He’s a football player these days.
Facebook is a social site.
She goes to a school where she lives as well as having lessons.
His English is much better since he did that language course.
We had a with my cousin on Skype yesterday.
Your school tells you when your classes start and finish.
Task 2
Complete the text using the words in the box. There are four extra words.
big browser century chat email expensive information noughties technology text
My dad told me recently about how different the
0 technology was when he was a boy. It wasn’t possible to 1 online because there was no internet. There weren’t any 2 technology classes because his school didn’t have any computers – they were too 3 then and the school didn’t have enough money. They became much cheaper during the 4 and lots of people bought them for home. My dad didn’t learn how to send a 5 until he was 21 years old!
Task 3
Choose the correct form to complete the text.
It 0 were / was my best friend’s birthday party last night. There 1 was / were two really good DJs but he 2 doesn’t want / didn’t want a band to play. One of 3 a / the DJs is a friend of mine. My best friend 4 didn’t / doesn’t / can’t usually say much but he 5 talks / talked / is talking all night! I went to bed late but I 6 didn’t have to / had to / mustn’t get up early this morning – what an amazing party! At the moment, I 7 think / thought / ’m thinking about what to do for my own birthday – it’s going to be great!
Task 4
Choose A, B or C to correctly complete the blog entry.
The first thing my teacher said to my class this morning was ‘Can I make a 0 ? Why 1 we all cycle to school tomorrow?’ One of the pupils said, ‘I’m not 2 I get it, Mr Lister?’ and Mr Lister said, ‘Well, we’re 3 about the environment at the moment, so I think everyone in the class has to do something to help the environment.’ One brave pupil said, ‘I’m sorry, Sir, but I 4 . I don’t think that coming on our bikes is a good 5 . I don’t like cycling to school because the road is very dangerous.’ ‘OK,’ said the teacher, ‘Well 6 about trying to use less electricity and less water?’ Then another pupil said, ‘I don’t get 7 , Sir! Are you saying I can’t use my mobile phone, the TV, my laptop or games console?’ The teacher just looked sad and said, ‘We’re not going to save much electricity!’

A suggesting
B suggest
C suggestion
A don’t
B haven’t
C can’t
A mean
B know
C sure
A looking
B learning
C knowing
A disagree
B suggest
C understand
A time
B travel
C idea
A who
B how
C where
A it
B out
C them
Task 5
Choose the correct option, A, B or C, to complete the questions.
Do you always sit Tom and Rick in Maths classes?
A between B next C under
I like pop, but I rock music.
A mind B prefer C think
What are you looking in the rubbish bin?
A for B to C up
Did you a nice holiday?
A do B have C go
Are you on skateboarding?
A fanatic B interested C keen
How __ your week?
A were B has C was
Who did you talk __ at the party?
A to B from C for

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18.05.2021 13:15

Сөйлемдерді аяқтау үшін ең жақсы нұсқаларды таңдаңыз.

1) бейсболда допты ұруға арналған жабдық а деп аталады

б) таяқ

в) негіз

2) тамақтану жоспары, онда біреу аз тамақтанады, немесе белгілі бір тағам түрлерін ғана жейді, өйткені

олар жіңішке болғысы келеді немесе медициналық себептермен.

а) вегетариандық

б) диета

в) тағам

3) Ол кәсіби футболға дейін футбол ойнады.

а) әуесқой

б) көрермен

в) төреші

4) хобби немесе спорт сияқты нәрсеге бару дегенді білдіреді

а) бас тарту

б) қабылдау

в) ұшып кету

5) Ұзақ уақыт бойы бір нәрсені істей алу қабілеті немесе күші.

а) төзімділік

б) итеру

в) асығыс

6) дәрігерлер маған айтты

қызыл ет.

а) қысқарту

б) ілулі тұру

в) ұстап тұру

7) Ол

жеті түрлі елде, сондықтан ол әртүрлі мәдениеттер туралы көп біледі.

а) өмір сүрді

б) өмір сүрген

в) тірі болған

8) Ол неміс тілін он бес жыл оқытқанын білдіңіз бе?

а) үшін

б) бұрын

в) бастап

9) Қай сөйлем қате?

а) Біз торт пен шоколад жеген жоқпыз.

б) Ол жақында қатты жұмыс істемейді.

в) Мен жақында жақсы ұйықтамадым.

10) Қай сөйлемде отырып жаза аласыз?

а) мен жұмысты тоқтатты

бір кесе кофе.


балалар сіздің өміріңізді өзгертеді.

в) Фиона шешті

кешкі астан кейін душ.

11) Бару үшін қай сөйлемде жаза аласыз?

а) мені қызықтырады

гүлдер көрмесіне.


жаттығу залына келу сіздің денсаулығыңызды сақтайды.

в) Мен жақсы көремін

кинодан гөрі театрға.

Күніне 12,1 үлкен шоколадты торт жейді, бірақ мен үш жыл бұрын тоқтаған едім.

а) үйренді

б) үйрену

в) үйрену

қазақша ға аудардым себебі сен маған бердің

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03.02.2022 20:38

1. She is still reading. 2. We haven't seen her for a long time. 3. Grandparents have already visited their grandchildren. 4. Now they are sitting in the living room and talking about their trip. 5. Have you ever been to Africa? 6. He has already bought a house and is now going to buy a car. 7. The concert has not started yet, we are sitting in the hall and talking. 8. Wait for me! I didn't take the money. 9. I just had breakfast. 10. He's already had breakfast. 11. We haven't had breakfast yet. 12. They are still drinking tea in the cafeteria. 13. I've already done my job. 14. He is still cleaning the room. 15. We had three lectures today. 16. They just had a meeting. 17. She has not read this book yet. 18. She is still watching TV.

Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continues.

1.What's the matter? Why he (to stop)? 2. My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet. 3. It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. What you (to study) now? 5. They just (to give) you flowers. 6. Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson. 7. You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much. 8. People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now. 9. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year? 10. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party. 11. How long you (to be) sick? 12. You (to see) any good mov¬ies recently? 13. What you (to look) forward to? 14. Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend. 15. She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to go) to think about work. 16. Mike (to leave) for work yet? 17. They (to pay) their electric bill this month? 18. How long you (to know) each other? 19. Your car (to make) strange noises. Is anything wrong? 20. The boy (to do) his homework and (to take) a karate lesson now. 21. I (to have) dinner with my friends at the moment and I am very happy to see them again. 22. Jay never (to travel) overseas. 23. We always (to have) a dog and a cat. We love pets.

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