Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in baxes Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? Then come to the Bumaby Vilage Museumin Canada This full-scale reconstruction of a 1920s viage offers a truly authentic 1) HISTORY expenence Among the many 2) ATTRACT are an oid-tashioned barbershop, a workin black and-white slent fim theatre and ain) 3) MPRESS vintage mery-go-round that you can actually ridel There are even 4) TRADITION dressed statf within shops and homes to show you the 5) REAL of life in the 1920s This 6) FASCINATE museum was founded in 171. but 7) INITIAL contaned only a tew eahibits Sinoe then, the site has seen a great deal of 8) DEVELOP and has now expanded to more than double is 9) ORIGIN sze Today, one of Britsh Coumbs ggest and mon popular 10) TOUR hotspots, atracting thousands of m VISIT each year Se what are you wating tar? Come to Bumaby Viage M tor a FORGET pumey i the pa
As envisioned by developers, situation which would allow to pay the state duty in the multipurpose centers of providing the state and municipal services has to be published in the Tax code. Now such norm in the legislation is absent, but citizens can place money for payment of the state duty through state agency in which they address for service, on the Internet on the website of state services, or through bank. Therefore, after adoption of amendments to the Tax code the population will have an opportunity to completely pass all stages of registration of this or that document directly in MFTs.
Amendments to the Tax code are necessary as the state duty is considered a kind of tax payment and is subject to transfer in budgets of various levels - from federal to local. It is paid by natural persons, including foreigners, and also the organizations for various services connected with judicial and notarial activity for registration of the Russian and international passport, service of REGISTRY OFFICES.
MFTs provide to Russians the state and municipal services in the principle of "one window" (that is after one address with inquiry). Their recipient doesn't need most to interact with government bodies any more.
В самой Шотландии овсянку едят без всяких добавок. Английская овсянка подается с молоком или сливками, а также в нее могут добавлять сахар по вкусу.
Продолжают завтрак яичницей с беконом, в которую также можно добавлять грибы, жареные помидоры, сельдь или колбасу, тостами с джемом и чаем или кофе. Джем вообще отдельная составная часть утренней еды – без него немыслим традиционный английский завтрак. Единственное, его иногда заменяют мармеладом, который может быть представлен в разных состояниях – твердом, рассыпчатом или желеобразном.
Также английский завтрак изобилует большим количеством овощей и фруктов и фруктовыми соками. Утром также допустимы популярные во всем мире кукурузные хлопья или мюсли с молоком.