1. Are bighats in fashion now? (в моде ли нынче широкополые шляпы) 2. Nobody wears wide belts. Are they out of fashion (старомодные) 3. I often put on my favourite old jumper. (надевать) 4. Tom took off his boots and socks and came into the water (снимать обувь) 5. Do you know what coats are in fashion and what coasts are not in fashion 6. First he put down his cap and then took it again (скорее всего здесь подходит put down (положил) то есть, он сперва положил свой головной убор, а затем вновь взял его).
1. To stay competitive, hi-tech firms must constantly. innovate otherwise their products become out of date. 2. Before we can decide where to buy the equipment, we need to cary out market research. 3. He didn't dare argue with his superior. 4. The first thing a commercial must do is to catch the potential customer's eye. 5. Our main competitors were heard to become insolvent. 6. The employers tried a lock-out make the workers accept their terms. 7. There is nothing for you to do but consult with the tax lawyer. 8. Why not consider our own employees first for any vacancies? 9. The supervisor lost control of this subordinates afther he allowed them to override his decisions. 10. Hi-Marks Company is an exclusive distributor in our region,so we are forced to purchase domestic appliances from them.
2. Nobody wears wide belts. Are they out of fashion (старомодные)
3. I often put on my favourite old jumper. (надевать)
4. Tom took off his boots and socks and came into the water (снимать обувь)
5. Do you know what coats are in fashion and what coasts are not in fashion
6. First he put down his cap and then took it again (скорее всего здесь подходит put down (положил) то есть, он сперва положил свой головной убор, а затем вновь взял его).
2. Before we can decide where to buy the equipment, we need to cary out market research.
3. He didn't dare argue with his superior.
4. The first thing a commercial must do is to catch the potential customer's eye.
5. Our main competitors were heard to become insolvent.
6. The employers tried a lock-out make the workers accept their terms.
7. There is nothing for you to do but consult with the tax lawyer.
8. Why not consider our own employees first for any vacancies?
9. The supervisor lost control of this subordinates afther he allowed them to override
his decisions.
10. Hi-Marks Company is an exclusive distributor in our region,so we are forced to purchase domestic appliances from them.