How many meals do you have today? What time do you usually have your morning meal? Do you like having your meals alone? Do you like the canteen at your office? Do you sometimes go home in the lunch hour? Are you hungry / thirsty yet? Are any of your friends going to join you for lunch today? Will you have any soup today? What kind of bread do you like? Do you want meat or fish? What will you have for the second course today? Will you have some mineral water? What will you have for the sweet? Do you like to smoke after lunch? Do you have enough time to smoke after lunch? Have you had (если ещё утро) / Did you have (если утро уже
John Hadley
John Hadley is an English mathematician best known for inventing the octant, the predecessor of the sextant, around 1730.
Born - April 16, 1682, Bloomsbury, London, UK
Died - February 14, 1744, East Barnet, London, UK
Джон Хэдли
Джон Хэдли — английский математик, более всего известный изобретением октанта, предшественника секстанта, около 1730 года.
Родился - 16 апреля 1682 г., Блумсбери, Лондон, Великобритания
Умер - 14 февраля 1744 г., Ист Барнет, Лондон, Великобритания