дай 35 б. Решите головоломку с поиском слова. Затем выполняйте задания. 1. Запишите слова из головоломки поиска слов. 2. Заполните пропуски словами из головоломки.
1. In the North Pole, the _ is very cold. 2. Singapore is a very _ place. It's hot and wet there. 3. What is the driest _ in the world? 4. In Mosсow the weather is mostly hot and sunny with _ showers (ливни) in the south-west of the city. 5. It is so _ today! -25 C°. 6. The Sahara is the world's largest _ . 7. I didn't take the umbrella in the morning. Now my clothes are _ . 8. In tropical areas there are two seasons: the _ season and the rainy season. 9. I like spring with its _ rains and thunderstorms (грозы). 10. Summer is my favourite _ . 11. The grass is after the rain. 12. The winters are _ in Western Europe. The weather is not cold even in January.
1. In our town, there were many people who didn't care about the environment.
2. I enjoyed visiting the nature park which you recommended.
3. I still remember the man who taught me to climb trees when I was a little boy.
4. The scientists who appear on national television are often amateurs.
5. People who work for the hunger program say that thousands of people worldwide die from starvation every single day of the year.
6. While the boy was at the Askania Nova Reserve, he took many pictures of zebras which were roaming in the steppe.
1. that 2. who 3. where 4. when 5. which 6. that 7. whose
Правильные словосочетания, связанные с едой:
c). Being a child, he liked boiled mutton with steamed vegetables.
Будучи ребенком, он любил вареную баранину с овощами, приготовленными на пару.
f). Have you ever eaten barbecued chicken?
Вы когда-нибудь ели курицу, приготовленную на гриле?
i). It's going to be hot tomorrow. Let's grill steaks and have a picnic.
Завтра будет жарко. Давайте приготовим стейки на гриле и устроим пикник.
j). To make this dish tastier you should add onion but stir-fry it first.
Чтобы сделать это блюдо вкуснее, вы должны добавить лук, но сначала обжарьте его.
Неправильные словосочетания, связанные с едой:
a). I think I'll have raw turkey for dinner.
Я думаю, что съем сырую индейку на ужин.
b). It's an old tradition in Russia to pickle cabbage with carrot in autumn.
В России существует старая традиция мариновать капусту с морковью осенью.
d). Jack roasted rice for dinner.
Джек пожарил рис на ужин.
e). Do you like smoked tomatoes?
Вам нравятся копчёные помидоры?
g). Mary hates the smell of fried milk.
Мэри ненавидит запах жареного молока.
h). We need steamed cheese for this salad.
Для этого салата нам понадобится приготовленный на пару сыр.