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Design an unusual house. Think about: location, material, type, rooms, furniture. Write a paragraph about it. Present the
house to the class. The class votes for the most unusual house.​

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07.10.2021 00:37

Лето – это небольшая жизнь, которую всегда нужно проводить на полную мощь. Летом все люди отправляются в отпуск, а дети на летние каникулы. Зачем сидеть дома, спать и смотреть телевизор? Ведь вокруг нас столько прекрасного, неизведанного и интересного! Столько дел, задач, которые можно поставить и решить.

Лично я хочу провести лето самым лучшим образом. В первую очередь, мне не нужно будет каждый день рано вставать и идти в школу. Я постараюсь высыпаться, чтобы восстановить свои силы и отдохнуть. Это нужно для того, чтобы перед школой я был бодрым и полным сил.

Придется тратить некоторое время на чтение литературы, которую дают в школе. Но это не страшно. Ведь, знание – это сила! Тем более, что во время чтения можно мечтать и фантазировать.

Летом я хочу родителям и бабушке поработать на даче. Потому что они рассчитывают на мою Полить огород, покопать, что-то посадить. Для меня это не сложно сделать.

Обязательно я буду гулять во дворе со своими друзьями. Летом мы гуляем целыми днями. Не хочется ни есть, ни пить. Какие мы счастливые в это время! Мы бесимся, играем, болтаем, ходим друг к другу в гости.

А еще я обязательно поеду летом на море. Хотя бы на пять дней. Море – это счастье для души и тела. На море моно позагорать и наплаваться, поесть всякие вкусности. Особенно мне нравятся арбузы и дыни. Их я могу есть очень много. Кукуруза достойна отдельного внимания. Особенно молочная.

Лето – это пора, когда я могу кататься на велосипеде. Мы всей семьей берем велосипеды в прокат и устраиваем себе вело прогулку. Так же я хочу отправиться на фото сессию среди цветов. Чтобы у меня остались на память красивые фото.

Летом нужно отдыхать, кушать ягоды и фрукты и брать от жизни все. Лично я буду делать именно так.

Summer is a small life that must always be carried out at full power. In the summer, all people go on vacation, and children on summer holidays. Why sit at home, sleep and watch TV? After all, there is so much beautiful, unexplored and interesting around us! So many cases, tasks that can be set and solved.

Personally, I want to spend the summer in the best way. First of all, I won't have to get up early every day and go to school. I will try to get enough sleep to recover my strength and relax. This is necessary so that before the school I would be vigorous and full of strength.

You will have to spend some time reading the literature that is given in school. But it's not scary. After all, knowledge is power! Moreover, during the reading you can dream and dream.

In the summer I want to help my parents and grandmother to work in the country. Because they are counting on my help. Water the garden, dig, plant something. For me it is not difficult to do.

I will definitely walk in the yard with my friends. In the summer we walk all day. I do not want to eat or drink. What we are happy at this time! We go berserk, play, chat, go to visit each other.

And I will definitely go to the sea in the summer. At least for five days. The sea is happiness for body and soul. At sea, sunbathe mono and swim, eat all sorts of goodies. I especially like watermelons and melons. I can eat them a lot. Corn deserves special attention. Especially dairy.

Summer is the time when I can ride a bike. With the whole family we rent bikes and arrange a bike ride. I also want to go to the photo session among the flowers. So that I still have beautiful photos.

In the summer you need to rest, eat berries and fruits and take everything from life. Personally, I will do just that.

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21.09.2022 15:17

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's one of the oldest cities of Europe. Last year we celebrated the fifteen hundred twenty fourth anniversary of its foundation. There are many places of historic interest in it. Among them there are the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, the St. Sophias Cathedral and others.

Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. One half of Kyiv's territory is occupied by parks and gardens. The population of Kyiv is about 3 millions.

Kyiv is a large political, industrial and cultural centre. Kyiv is a seat of the higher body of state power of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada.

Kyiv is a scientific centre. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and many research institutes are here. Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied. There are many theatres, museums, exhibitions in Kyiv.

The national art of Ukraine (paintings, sculpture and drawings) is shown in the Museum of Ukrainian Art.

Kyiv's theatres are well-known not only in our country. The famous National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and other theatres are greatly appreciated by the Kyivites and the guests of the city.

The most important educational institutions of Ukraine are in Kyiv. The National Ukrainian University named after Shevchenko is in the centre of the capital. Just opposite the famous red building of the University there is a fine park well-known to the Kyivites. In the centre of the park there is a nice monument to the great Ukrainian poet, whose name the University bears.

Kyiv is famous for its monuments. The monument to Prince Volodymyr in the picturesque park on the Dnieper hills has become a symbol of the ancient city.

Kyiv is the Hero-City. In the park of Immortal Glory there is an obelisk in honour of those who fell in the battles of the Second World War.

Because of many places of historical interest Kyiv is one of the most exciting cities to visit. A lot of tourists come to Kyiv. The first place, which welcomes them, is Kyiv international airport Borispol. It is built in accordance with the latest world standards.

The central street of the capital is Khreshchatyk. During the Greart Patriotic War it was almost completely destroyed. And it was rebuilt in the post war years. There are many fine buildings in Khreshchatyk. They form the unique architectural ensemble.

Kyiv is especially beautiful in spring when the famous Kyiv chestnut trees are in blossom.

Kyiv, this ancient and ever young city, is the pride and glory of the Ukrainian people.

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